
2022-05-20 00:55:36



  Band 9—Expert User 9 分——专家语言能力

  The candidate has fully operational mand of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with plete understanding.


  解析:考生能以相当高的水准完成写作,可获得9 分。其文章在组织结构、表达方式、语法和词汇方面近乎完美。而且考生能够清楚明白地传达信息,准确性相当高,即便是写十分复杂的书面语时也是如此。

  Band 8—Very Good User 8 分——语言能力很好

  The candidate has fully operational mand of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. The candidate can handle plex detailed argumentation well.


  解析:考生的英语水平完全能够满足写作要求,可获得8 分。其文章在组织结构、表达方式、语法和词汇方面基本无误,而且在两部分的写作中,考生自始至终都能够流畅、恰当并且准确地传达信息。

  Band 7—Good User 7 分——语言能力良好

  The candidate has operational mand of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally the candidate can handle plex language well and understand detailed reasoning.


  解析:考生写出的英语如果足以回答Task 1 和Task 2 中的问题,可获得7 分。考生可能偶尔会出错,写复杂句子时尤其如此。考生应当能够比较清楚、流畅地阐述观点,其遣词造句有多样性。

  Band 6—Competent User 6 分——有运用语言的能力

  The candidate has generally effective mand of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. The candidate can use and understand fairly plex language, particularly in familiar situations.


  解析:考生写出来的英语作文如果基本达到写作要求,可获得6 分。其文章在组织结构、表达方式、语法和词汇方面质量不高,但是足以清楚地传达信息,并达到一定程度的准确性。考生能够使用复杂的书面语。

  Band 5—Modest User 5 分——语言能力一般

  The candidate has partial mand of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. The candidate is able to handle basic munication in his or her own field.



  解析:考生写出的英语作文如果总体上能够达意,并足以回答 Task 1 和Task 2 中的问题,但语言错误很多,可获得5 分。对于不熟悉的话题,考生可能感到十分棘手,因为除传达基本意思以外,考生可能由于词汇量不足而无法进行充分论证。

  Band 4—Limited User 4 分——语言能力有限

  Basic petence is limited to familiar situations. The candidate has frequent problems in understanding and expression. The candidate is not able to use plex language.


  解析:考生只能用书面语传达基本的意思,可获得4 分。其书面语令人费解,谈论不熟悉的话题时尤其如此。这可能因为考生词汇量有限,语法掌握得不好;也可能因为考生没能理解题目。考生写出的复杂句式可能无法达意。

  Band 3—Extremely Limited User 3 分——语言能力极其有限

  The candidate can convey and understand only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in munication occur.


  解析:考生如果只能写出篇幅有限的作文,即得3 分。考生可能无法回答不熟悉的问题(如Task 2 中考生可能遇到的话题)。即便是谈论熟悉的话题,考生也许只能表达基本意思。这也许是因为考生词汇量有限或语法掌握得不好或两者兼有。其书面语令人费解或者根本让人无法理解。

  Band 2—Intermittent User 2 分——基本不能使用语言

  No real munication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. The candidate has great difficulty in understanding spoken and written English.


  解析:考生如果只能写出有限、简短的作文,使用非常基础的词汇和短语,即得2 分。考生可能在理解写作考题上有问题。

  Band 1—Non User 1 分——不能运用语言

  Essentially the candidate has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.


  解析:考生只能写一两句话,文章得1 分。

  Band 0—Did not attempt the test 0 分——没有参加考试

  No assessable information provided.


