雅思total school spending
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increase oil price Some people assert that increasing the price of oil is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. Undoubtedly it could be an effective method, but in my opinion it might be too arbitrary to claim that increasing price of oil is the best measure. From a financial perspective, the quantity of a product purchased by consumers is decided by the price of that product and by the consumers’ demand for this product. Higher price tend to drive away some buyers in the short term, but if demand keeps shooting up as is the case with oil, then most probably traffic and pollution problems will remain unsolved or even become worse. Therefore, we need to address this issue from both sides: demand and price. To suppress the demand for oil, scientists have already introduced some greener, cheaper substitutes such as solar energy and wind power. Although some technical breakthroughs are still needed to enable us to use these substitutes on a wider, more stable basis, this field of study is very promising and represents the future, because our planet’s petrol storage is not unlimited, neither is it renewable. Governments should invest more in the development of such clean energy,building more wind farms, promoting the installation of solar panels at home, or even give tax incentives for purchasing hybrid cars.
Another way to decrease oil usage and thereby alleviate traffic jams is to provide better public transportation system. This, again, relies to a great extent on the government, who must realize that the money spent on the construction of trams and underground tubes will be revamped in the long run.
To conclude, tackling the problem of traffic and pollution is not easy, but there are many effective options to choose from. It might be difficult to judge which one is the best, but I believe if we could combine those measures, we shall see better results.
以上就是小编为大家整理的雅思total school spending 作文的内容,希望对考生有所帮助,大家备考中一定要多进行练习多积累。