剑桥雅思13 test 1写作解析

2022-05-18 09:45:45

  剑桥雅思资料在题型和难度上都是紧跟现在考试的节凑,所以剑桥资料是非常适合考生进行参考的。小编为大家带来了剑桥雅思13 test 1写作解析分享,希望小编为大家带来的剑桥雅思资料能帮助到大家,也预祝各位能在考试中拿到好成绩。

  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

  The two maps below show road access to a city hospital in 2007 and in 2010.

  Summarise the information bing and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

  Write at least 150 words.

  1. 图表类型:地图题

  2. 主体段时态:一般过去时

  3. 题目要求:


  4. 描述重点:

  1)2007年地图中的city hospital的东南风是staff and public car park,而在2010年这个地方变为了staff car park。

  2)2007年Hospital Rd 两边的六个bus stops 没有了,在道路西边建造了较大的bus station, 并有道路通往北边和南边两个环岛,分别与围绕医院的ring road 和city road相连。


  From the first map, there was a main road named Hospital Road running from the south to the north, on both sides of the road lay three bus stops. The city hospital was right at the end of Hospital Road, which was surrounded by the Ring Road.

  The roads witnessed a huge alteration after the construction work in the past three years. In 2010, a new public car park was constructed next to the city hospital. Two roundabouts were paved at the entrance and exit of the Hospital Road. On its west side, the preceding bus stops has been transformed into a bus station. On the other side, the bus stops and car park were replaced by a new staff car park.

  To sum up, the road access to the city hospital has changed significantly for the citizens after the construction work, more new car parks have been added in this area. Meanwhile, the city hospital, the Ring Road and City Road have been well-preserved.

  以上为剑桥雅思13 test 1写作解析分享,希望帮助大家结合有效的备考,顺利在雅思考试中拿下自己的目标分数。
