
2022-06-15 06:23:21




  题目:Changes of population in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002.(对比澳大利亚和马来西亚人口的表格(总人口,男性人口,女性人口,人均增长,65岁以上的人口)



  As is illustrated in the table, the proportions of consumer spending on various items in five countries differed from each other in 2002. It is evident that food, drinks tobacco (F/D/T) had the largest proportion of consumer expenditure. whereas the smallest percentage was on leisure/education (L/E).

  With regard to the consumption of F/D/T, ranking top among five countries, Turkey accounted for 32.14%, followed by Ireland (28.91%). In comparison, consumers in other three countries expended around 16% of their money on this item.

  As for C.T, Italy occupied the largest proportion, which was 9%, approximately twice that of Sweden (5.4%). The figures of Turkey, Spain, and Ireland were all around 6.5%.

  In terms of L/E, although the percentages of expenditure in these countries were all under 5%, they differed slightly, ranging from 1.98% (Spam) to 4.35% (Turkey). Meanwhile,Swedes, Italians, and the Irish consumed 3.22%, 3.20%, and 2.21% respectively.

  Overall food, drinks and tobacco cost people in die five countries the largest amount of spending, displacing a stark contrast with leisure and education.




  题目:Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  参考范文:What are the responsibilities and limits of the media for reporting the truth of social crimes? This question arouses a big controversy in society. Some people suggest reports of crime details should be forbidden. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be presented as below.

  The primary reason of approving of this argument is that disclosing crimes details would place a whole society in risks. Surely, when reporting crime details, there are knowledge and skills necessary for committing crimes. In other words, by watching such reports, these would-be criminals, especially the young ones, can be taught how to plan and carry out illegal activities. For example, if the details about cyber crimes are publicized, then the young audience will know the technology of hacking, as well as the flaws of fire walls of computers. As a result, many of them would breed an idea of imitating this process of offence in a real world by themselves, and a higher rate of such crimes would be expected in the future.

  Besides, to some extent, reporting crime details is improper, because it contains some sensitive private information. For example, in cases of rape, names and pictures of female victims must not be published in newspaper or TV news cycle. Otherwise, the basic rights of human privacy would be challenged and disrespected ruthlessly, and these victims would be hurt again by the media.

  Lastly, I have to concede that detail reporting is reasonable on certain level. For one thing, the revealing of crime details are good lessons which provide useful anti-crime knowledge and experience to the public. For example, after watching and understanding the whole process of how an offender commits a crime, the viewers can realize by what ways and strategies they can defend themselves well, or prevent these unwanted situations.



  1. 这是有用的反犯罪经验,提高大众的安全意识和预防犯罪的能力。

  2. 对于那些正在侦破的案件,播放犯罪细节能引起大众关注,进而从大众那里获得线索,有助于案件侦破。

  3. 犯罪细节包括了犯罪动机,这能反映某些某些深层次的,鲜为人知的社会问题,比如说儿童由于受不了被虐待而怒杀父母。

  4. 对于某些和公共资源相关的,或是和政府相关的犯罪,大众有权力获知全部的真相,不然某些官僚可能运用权力来掩盖事实。


  1. 这是天然的犯罪教学片,完全给大众灌输如何犯罪以及犯罪的可行性,这是对于潜在犯罪者的一种鼓励和启发,刺激他们模仿犯罪。

  2. 很多犯罪现场过于血腥,它会对大众,尤其是小孩,产生强烈的震撼和刺激,这会导致一些不必要的负面情绪,甚至引发大规模的大众恐慌。

  3. 对某些犯罪细节进行保护其实是对于受害者及其家人的保护。举例,被性侵犯的女性的个人信息和犯罪过程是坚决不能公布,否则是对她的二次伤害。


