(1)They benefit [physically and emotionally] from these sports activities.他们从这些体育项目中身心收益。
(2)The function of shopping nowadays has altered substantially.如今,购物的功能已经大大变化。
(3)Young people highly addicted to TV can grow up in a happier and healthier environment.沉迷于电视的年轻人会在一种更加幸福、健康的环境下成长。
(1)It is to raise their dependent aged parents.赡养年迈的父母是他们的根本义务。
(2)Professional nursing houses can be .专业的养老院是最后的希望。
(3)These complaints are .这些抱怨对于人们来说也是存在的。
(1)The government should take on the greatest responsibility of elderly care.政府应该承担赡养老人的最大职责。
(2)Pleasure shopping can increase the likelihood of buyers' impulsive consumption.欢乐购物会增加消费者冲动消费的可能性。
(3)Overstatement of some products denotes a false sales promotion.夸大一些产品意味着虚假促销。
(1)Playing team sports offers children more than just social benefits.参加团队体育不仅仅给孩子们带来社交方面的好处。
(2)This has created an environment for leisure shopping.这给欢乐购物创造了不错的环境。
(3)All these problems will sooner or later lay a heavier burden on the younger generation, the society and the government.所有这些问题,迟早都会给年轻一代、社会和政府带来更重的压力。
(1)Modern shopping helps people (accomplish different tasks in one area).现代购物有助于人们在一个地方完成多项任务。
(2)[Thanks to immense advances in science and technology,] we have added more years (to our life expectancy) [in the past century].过去的一个世纪,由于科技的大幅进步,人类的寿命延长了好几年。
(3)The worsening environment has forced the government (to levy pollution taxes on companies.)不断恶化的环境那个,强迫政府不得不向公司征收污染税(绿色环保税)。