审题要领(Task focus)
写作思路(Think before writing)
本题涉及到不同月份之间的横向比较,也涉及到不同城市之间的纵向对比。考生需要在 150 字之内对图表里的信息进行概括,有侧重的描写主要特征,必要时选择适当省略。考生可以选择不同方式组织文章,一种是分时间段描写,分别描述一月至十二月的各个城市情况。另一种是根据不同城市描写,分别描写各城市在十二个月的不同情况。推荐使用后一种,一可以避免单词、句型的重复,二可以适当的对各城市进行纵向对比,使文章更有深度。图一显示了月平均气温的变化,其中有三个城市,很明显纽约和伦敦的线型浮动是相似的,都是在年初和年末的温度较低,年中的温度最高。而悉尼的温度曲线正好相反,年初和年末的温度较高,年中的温度较低。图二给出了年平均日照时长,我们可以看出纽约和悉尼的时长是差不多的,而伦敦的日照时间较短。考生可以根据这个两个表格把主题段分为两段,使文章显得逻辑清楚有层次。
范文演示(Sample analysis)
Model Response
The data provides information on average temperatures and annual hours of sunshine in London, New York and Sydney.
The temperature patterns for London and New York is similar, although New York has warmer summers and colder winters. In both cities, peaks occur in July/August, at 23° in London and 29° in New York. In contrast, Sydney's hottest weather is in December/January when temperatures average 25°. During this period, New York's temperature dip to an average of around 5°, compared with 8° in London. On the other hand, Sydney's lowest average temperatures in July are just over 15°.
As far as hours of sunshine are concerned, New York and Sydney have similar average of 2,535 and 2,473 hours respectively. London, however, has a much lower average of 1,180 hours.
Clearly, London is the coldest city and has the fewest hours of sunshine. New York has the hottest summers, but Sydney enjoys the warmest overall climate. (156 words)
词汇句型(Vocabulary and patterns)
范文亮点(Sample highlights)
第 1 段:改写原题
第一段通常为改写题目, 原文里的 the graph and table show…被改为了 the data provides information on…, the average number of hours of sunshine per year 被替换为 annual hours of sunshine, 使语言变得非常精炼。这些常用的名词互换,动词互换,以及名词换形容词非常值得考生学习。
第 2 段:主体段一
描述图表一中,关于每月温度变化的信息。首先,把两个变化曲线相似的城市伦敦和纽约进行概括比较,即相似但纽约冬夏温差更大,再分别给出最高温度数据及出现的月份。然后,与变化曲线相反的城市悉尼进行对比,给出其最高温出现的月份,而同时期伦敦和纽约会出现最低温度。最后,给出悉尼最低温度出现的月份。范文结构中用了 in both cities, in contrast, on the other hand 这样的词组,把文章层次分得非常清楚。
第 3 段:主体段二
描述图表二中,关于日照时长的信息。先分别(respectively)给出两个数值相近(similar)的城市纽约和悉尼的日照时长,再给出日照最少(much lower)的伦敦的具体数据。
第 4 段: 总结概括结论段,范文对于两个图表中三个城市的突出信息进行了总结概括。通过数据我们发现,伦敦是最冷、日照时长最短的城市;纽约夏天最炎热;悉尼的总体气候最温暖。
组合图是写作 Task1 中的难点,最重要的是提取有效信息,清晰的描述和对比两个图表的数据及变化。这篇范文结构简洁明了,经典四段体(开头+图一+图二+结论)。语言精炼,多数体现了最高级的使用,很适合考生学习。
审题要领(Task focus)
这是一道关于医疗与老龄的问题。这道题给出了一个社会现状,即医疗条件的改善使得人们越来越长寿。题干给出这个现象,并问考生是否 the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantage。考生应该通过各种论证方式,分别讨论这一现象的优缺点,最后给出自己的观点。
写作思路(Think before writing)
范文演示(Sample analysis)
Model Response
Over the past 50 years, people have become used to the idea that they will probably live longer than their grandparents did. However, a longer life is only desirable if you can look after yourself and be independent, otherwise there can be disadvantages for everyone.
If you walk into a hospital in my country, you are likely to see a lot more elderly people than you did in the past. In fact, this is causing significant problems as there is a shortage of beds. Medical treatment is keeping the elderly alive, but at what cost to others?
On top of this, one of the biggest medical problems these days is dementia. Even if old people are still fit, they may not be able to look after themselves. They may have to live with their children or be cared for in a home, which can be expensive. Elderly people do not like to be a burden, but their children can feel obliged to care for them.
Obviously, not all old people become ill. Those who remain healthy can enjoy a happy old age as long as they have saved enough money. People are more active in their sixties and seventies than they used to be and this can only be a good thing. They have time to enjoy their retirement and do a range of activities that they could not do when they were at work. They can also help look after their grandchildren, which is a great benefit for working parents.
To sum up, I believe that we should aim to keep people as healthy as possible so that they can enjoy their old age without having to rely on others. A longer life expectancy is obviously advantageous, but no one wants to live to be 100 if they only cause problems for their family and society
词汇句型(Vocabulary and patterns)
范文亮点(Sample highlights)
第 1 段:改写原题
范文开头段首先交代背景,提出近年来大家普遍认为现代人要比以前的人更长寿。接着又用 however 指出长寿可以是好事,但在某种情况下又有可能带来问题,巧妙地引出下面主体的分段讨论。这避免了在主体段提出自己的观点,并且说明了接下来的主体段是讨论话题的优缺点。
第 2 段:主体段一
第一个主体段讨论的是人长寿、老年人增加的缺点。首先用 if 引导假设论证,指出医院中老年人越来越多,这给医疗增加了压力,例如床位短缺,同时用反问句 but at what cost to others 影射老龄化还会带来其他代价。
第 3 段:主体段二
第二个主体段用 on top of this 自然地过渡,讨论的是医疗难以解决的问题,即老年痴呆症。文中用实例指出这样的老年人即使健康,也不能照顾自己,这就需要和孩子住一起或者去养老院。老人不想成为负担,但是孩子有抚养老人的义务。
第三个主体段用 obviously 引出了后文的让步,指出不是所有的老年人都有健康问题,那些健康、有积蓄的老年人可以很好的享受晚年。退休的他们有时间、有精力,还能帮忙带孙辈。
全文最后的结尾段总结上文的观点,首先用 I believe that we should aim to…表明老年人只有保持健康,才能不依赖他人更好地享受晚年生活。然后紧扣题目中的问题,指出长寿本身是优势,但如果这会给家人和社会带来问题的话,大概没有人想活到100岁了。