Cue Card
Tell us about something you want to be, but you are not at present, you should say
- Who is the person you want to become?
– Why do you want the change?
- Do you cook? When did you learn cooking?
- Do you think students should learn cooking?
- Do you like change?
- Why people do not like change?
- What change you would like to see in your country now?
- About old age. What change people experience at old age?
Cue card
Talk about a leisure activity that you want to start:
- When are you starting it?
- Where is it going to take place?
- What is the use of this activity?
- Should people get involved in leisure activities?
- Do you think it can be difficult to have leisure activities when you retired?
- Do people get bored leisure activities when they are retired?
Cue Card
Tell us about one of your best friends, you should say
- Who is he/she? Name?
– Where did you meet him/her?
– What did you do together?
- Do you think your friendship is long lasting?
- Is improvement in Communication technology assisting friendship?
- People meeting via other media like chat, email, etc justifies friendship in real?
- Friendship in relatives more real than non-relatives?
- Is international co-operation necessary nowadays?
Cue card
Describe an interesting stage in your life, you should say
- when was it,
- where was it,
- why you find it interesting.
- Describe different stages in life, that are celebrated in your culture.
- Describe the legal ages in your country.
Cue card
Talk about a historical place that you visited, you should say:
- What was its name?
- Where was it?
- What is its history?
- What did you like about the place?
- Do you feel it is necessary for people to be taught history from an early age?
- When did you learn history?
- Is it necessary for children to be taught History in the primary school?
Cue Card
Tell me about the job you would like to have in the future, you should say:
- What kind of job is it?
- Why you would like it?
- What difference does it have with the job you have now?
- What kind of friends would you like to meet?
- Are you going to invite them in your house or go out instead?
Cue card 1
Talk about a situation you needed help, you should say
- What it was all about
- Who helped you,
- Why it is very important to you
Cue Card 2
Describe a conversation you had in the past, that is very important to you.
- Whom did you have it with ?
- What happened?
- What did your learn from it?
- Why was it important to you?
- Do you still talk to that person?
- Did you share the conversation you had with that person with any other family member?
- What do you think would be the problem if two people talking had two different languages?
- Do you think a face to face conversation is better than talking to someone over the phone?
- What do you think is a good conversationalist?
- Do you think using an interpreter would help if two people conversing had different languages?
- What do you think could be a problem when using an interpreter?
Cue card
What Television show you enjoy most?
- describe the TV show you like
- why do you enjoy it?
- do you talk much about it?
- What particular shows do people here enjoy the most?
- Are there any other shows that they enjoy?
- What is the role TV shows play in your society?
- Would it be better if people would keep watching TV shows?
- In the future, how will TV shows impact the culture of you society?
Cue card
You should speak about a special toy you got as a child
- describe the toy,
- tell why it was so important to you.
- Do you think toys should be shared by children?
- What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?
- What can you tell about toys before and toys nowadays?
- How would a toy help in the development of children?
Cue card
Talk about what kind of music you liked in your childhood, you should say:
- What you felt about that music.
- What made it important to you.
- How does the role of music in culture change over time?
- Do you think music reflects age-group of people?
- How do you think we can keep the music in the culture?
Cue card
Talk about a conversation you had with someone, you should say:
- Whom you had it with.
- What made it important to you.
- Have you had this conversation with anyone else?
- In which situations do strangers talk to each other?
- What are the conversations that are usual in your country?