
2022-06-12 04:56:23



  Some people say that the government should notput money on building theatres and sportsstadiums. They should spend more money onmedical care and education.

  Do you agree or disagree?


  Much discussion concerning allocation of resourcesassumes that the government should spend moneyon medicine and education rather than on theatresand sports stadiums. In my opinion, this issueshould be examined from the angle of whether theinvestment benefits the great majority of thepopulation.

  The institutions of medical care and education, undoubtedly, should receive priority in theallocation of a government’s expenditures, at the thought of millions of children from deprivedbackgrounds who now get a substandard education, and who would require a relatively highquality of education if they are to enjoy anything approaching equality of opportunity in laterlife. Another pressing need of society is improvement of medical care for the adult poor, forthe aged, and so forth down the list.

  Theatres and sports stadiums are institutions for promoting human culture. A successful theatrical event is an exciting and stimulating experience, whether it occurs in a grand theatreor a high school auditorium. Spectators as well as those involved in the production feel thisexcitement. Sports stadiums, on the other hand, attract millions of spectators to watchprofessionals play every year. Many more millions watch games on television, read about themin newspapers, and discuss them with their friends. Therefore, can we say that these areunnecessary public expenditures the government should ignore?

  In conclusion, today man is becoming ever more aware of his spiritual needs. Medicine andeducation are needs that we recognize, but are contacts with theatrical or sports events alsobasic needs?


