
2022-05-19 04:22:09




  It is generally agreed that men and women arecreated equal but they have different missions in lifedue mainly to biological inclinations. This leads one tobelieve that some specific jobs better fit either males or females only, with people of bothsexes doing what they do best. Although the gender issue in terms of work opportunities andincome disparities still exists today, no one should ever imagine changing the charm thatbelongs to women and the strength to men.

  To begin with, women's charm often works wonders. To illustrate this point, one need only tosee the way they use men to do what they want. In general, women are superior to men incaring and nurturing and other fields related to domesticity, therefore those women who seekto be equal to men in strength lack correct ambition. It is interesting to point out that, in thefields of administrative and secretarial workplace, females outnumber males about four to onewhile the number of female presidents and prime ministers, and of CEOs and managers, is alsoup and rising. Furthermore, nowadays it is scarcely possible to stop women from replacing menin whatever jobs in which talents and abilities are concerned and strength is not essential. Ifat this time there are still more men in charge, it is because women have other jobs that aremore rewarding and charming to do, like being mothers at home.

  In comparison, men have traditionally been viewed as the breadwinners or workers owing totheir strength. The macho-image is active and aggressive. Needless to say, some particularjobs may exclusively go to them. One should note here that women, naturally passive andcharming, need not apply for such posts as miners, sailors, ironsmiths or butchers and thelike. In view of this, the traditional stereotypes are as good today as they used to be. Whatreally matters then is that men and women are happy in their corresponding roles, even thoughthere are obvious disparities between individuals as a result of gender.

  As a conclusion, one should not forget the paradox that just as women's strength is charm,men's charm is strength, other things being equal. Besides, one should also accept that thequality of employment depends as much on biological differences as on qualificationsimilarities. In real life, neither gender is the weak sex.


