
2022-06-14 04:03:30




  The two charts respectively indicate whystudents of different age groups decide to study andhow much support they have received from theiremployers.

  Firstly, we see that from age 26 to 39, peoplewho study for career considerations reach a percentage as high as 80% and a lower one is alsoas high as 50%. When they step into their 40s, people’s self-motivation to study for careerdeclines, but the percentage of those who study out of interest rises. And in this period, we seethat the percentages for both motivations draw even at 40%. Starting from 49 years old,people who study for career fall dramatically to less than 20% while people who study forinterest rise sharply to 70%.

  Secondly, in terms of the support obtained from employers, we see that the period of 30-39 age division is a clear-cut dividing line. Before reaching this age division, the time off and helpwith fees offered by employers account for as high as 60%. However, after this dividing line,this kind of sponsoring drops to 30% and then, with the increase in age, this percentage beginsto climb again, rising to 40% with the oldest age group as is shown in the chart.

  Thus, through a comparison of the figures exhibited in the two charts, we have learnedabout the reasons why people study at different ages and the help that employers would like tooffer.


