新gre作文issue模板: 一些经典的GRE ISSUE作文开头

2022-05-28 23:41:30

    最让广大同学头疼的难题之一就是时间不够用。而如果能有一个好的写作模板,无疑将为广大考生在考场上省下不少构思的时间,腾出更多时间来进行论证段的写作。所以,为大家收集整理了一些经典的模板。接下来一起来看看今天GRE考试内容: 新gre作文issue模板: 一些经典的GRE ISSUE作文开头


  最让广大同学头疼的难题之一就是时间不够用。而如果能有一个好的写作模板,无疑将为广大考生在考场上省下不少构思的时间,腾出更多时间来进行论证段的写作。所以,小编为大家收集整理了一些经典的GRE ISSUE作文开头写作模板,希望考生们可以从中找到灵感,总结出适合自己的GRE写作模板。GRE作文备考如何3天速成?选择好模板方法不重要


  GRE ISSUE作文的开头方式比较常见的有这四种:直接陈述观点+概述理由;比较双方观点,阐明自己观点;背景开头+立场;提问+立场。下面我们逐一来看一下四种方式的具体例子。


  I agree with the speaker's broad assertion that money spent on research is generally well invested. However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to embrace research whose results are "controversial," while ignoring certain compelling reasons why some types of research might be unjustifiable. My points of contention with the speaker involve the fundamental objectives and nature of research, as discussed below.



  There is much debate over the universal issues whether or not tradition and modernization are incompatible. Some people may claim that they necessarily conflict with each other, while others argue that the two are not mutually exclusive. Insofar as I can think, the best way is to coordinate them and exert their own advantages for contemporary society.

  第一句改写题目,第二句比较两种立场,第三句提出自己的观点。这种开头比较简单易学,也是同学们比较常用的开头方式,需要注意的是在点明自己的观点的时候,最好把下文中要进行分层论证的关键词结合到句子里面,比如上述例子中的coordinate ;exert their own advantages,可以起到引领下文,令文章结构严谨的作用。

       以上为今天网带来的GRE考试内容:新gre作文issue模板: 一些经典的GRE ISSUE作文开头。更多GRE写作资讯,请关注网论坛~预祝大家杀G成功!
