【写作】拯救我的新GRE Issue(完整版)

2022-06-09 23:04:39



  2011 Revised GRE Issue Introduction and Preparation 1

  新GRE考试简介GRE Revised General Test Introduction 3

  新GRE Issue部分介绍GRE Revised General Test Issue Introduction 5

  新GRE Issue评分标准Revised GRE Issue Scoring Guide 9

  新GRE Issue复习策略Revised GRE Issue Preparation 11

  Chapter 2 新GRE Issue简明写作指导

  2011 Revised GRE Issue Brief Writing Guide 15

  写作要求分析Specific Instruction Analysis 17

  文章结构Essay Organization 23

  开头段落Opening Paragraph 25

  正文段落Body Paragraph 29

  结尾段落Concluding Paragraph 32

  Chapter 3 复杂性和批判性思考

  Complex and Critical Thinking Skills 35

  Issue题目分析与写作Analysis of Issue Topic and Writing 37

  定义抽象词Defining Abstract Terms 39

  评价绝对用语Evaluating Absolute Terms 41

  评价情态用语Evaluating Modal Terms 45

  评价对比关系Evaluating Contrast Themes 51

  评价判定标准Evaluating Judging Criteria 53

  评价潜在假设Evaluating Unstated Assumption 54

  限定讨论范围Narrowing the Topic 56

  从题目背景入手Starting from Background Statement 57

  举例子Raising Supporting Examples 59

  因果关系Using Cause and Effect 61

  让步展开Making Concession 63

  提出批判性问题Raising Critical Questions 65

  提出其他意见Discussing Alternatives 66

  升华题目观点Introducing Higher Level Thinking 67

  分情况讨论Considering Specific Circumstances 69

  反击对立观点Addressing Opposing Points 71

  权衡利弊Weighing Pros and Cons 78

  评价逻辑关系Evaluating Reasoning Line 80

  推演结果Predicting Possible Consequences 82

  正文观点布局Topic Sentence Layout 83

  列提纲Outlining 87

  从读题到写提纲From Analysis to Outlining 89

  Chapter 4 写作指导:成长,学习,教育

  Writing Guide: Growth, Learning, Education 93

  选修专业外的学科Courses Outside One’s Field of Study 95

  研究领域与职业发展Research Field and Career Development 98

  学校与学生职业发展Educational Institutions and Career Development 101

  出国留学Studying in a Foreign Country 104

  IssueTopic 05 国家统一课程Pre-college National Curriculum 107

  观点不同与学习Disagreement and Learning 110

  学习与兴趣Learning and Interest 112

  不容易成功的研究领域Unlikely-to-succeed Fields 115

  学习与考试Learning and Test 117

  IssueTopic 10 赞扬和忽视Praise and Ignore 120

  免费大学教育Free University Education 122

  教师的薪金Teachers’ Salaries 124

  家长与子女教育Parents and Schooling 126

  学习理念、趋势和概念在先Studying Ideas, Trends and Concepts First 128

  IssueTopic 15 学生的思想Students’ Spirit 130

  合作和竞争Cooperation or Competition 132

  学习与激励Learning and Motivation 134

  发明与学习Innovations and Learning 136

  学习与质疑Learning and Questioning 138

  IssueTopic 20 天才儿童教育Talented Students Education 140

  学术界外的工作Working Outside the Academic World 142

  选修课Elective Courses 143

  想象力文学Imaginative Literature 145

  Chapter 5 写作指导:科学,技术,生活

  Writing Guide: Science, Technology, Life 147

  濒危物种保护Endangered Species Protection 149

  IssueTopic 25 知识的局限性Limits of Knowledge 151

  政府与科研资助Government and Scientific Funding 154

  独立思考Thinking for Oneself 156

  科研与公众福祉Research and Public Benefits 158

  科技与人际交流Technology and Human Interaction 160

  IssueTopic 30 科研与实用性Research and Practicality 161

  新手与专家Beginners and Experts 164

  过去的研究Past Achievements 165

  领域外的知识和经验Knowledge and Experience Outside 167

  偶然发现Accidental Discovery 169

  IssueTopic 35 政府与科研限制Government and Research Restriction 170

  人类智慧和机器智慧Human Intelligence Vs Machine Intelligence 172

  科技与生活Technology and Life 173

  奢华和方便Luxury and Convenience 175

  快节奏的生活Rapid-paced Life 177

  Chapter 6 写作指导:,法律,社会

  Writing Guide: Politics, Law, Society


  IssueTopic 40 国家的伟大Indicator of a Great Nation 181

  政府决策Government Decision Making 184

  原生态地区保护Wilderness Areas Protection 188

  领导任期Leader Term Limit 190

and Morality 193

  IssueTopic 45 国家领导者的工作效率National Leaders’ Effectiveness 195

  领导与责任Leadership and Responsibility 197

  质疑权威Questioning Authority 199

  法律的灵活性Flexible Laws 200

  法律与人Law and Human 202

  IssueTopic 50 理性的一致和深奥的理想Reasonable Consensus or Elusive Ideals 204

  当务之急和未来问题Immediate or Future Problems 206

  向大众隐瞒信息Withholding Information from the Public 207

  社会整体成功Society’s Overall Success 209

  不公平的法律Unjust Laws 211

  IssueTopic 55企业社会责任Corporate Social Responsibility214

  丑闻Scandals 216

  Chapter 7 写作指导:思想,行为,方法

  Writing Guide: Thinking, Behavior, Methods 219

  想象力Imagination 221

  追寻长期目标Pursuing Long-term Goals 223

  辩论Arguments 225

  IssueTopic 60 人们的行为People’s Behaviors 227

  批判性评判Critical Judgment 229

  效忠与批判Committed or Critical 230

  信仰与妥协Belief and Compromise 232

  最好的主意Best Ideas 234

  IssueTopic 65 形式与内容Image and Reality 235

  人们的态度People’s Attitudes 237

  危险活动Risky Action 239

  以上是小编为大家分享的“【写作】拯救我的新GRE Issue(完整版)“资料,希望可以指导大家有效备考GRE。




