读懂文章是第一步First Step: Correct understanding of the source article
难点: 文章看不懂
建议: 借用背景+熟悉一般“正论文”写作思路
首先从选择的文章题材来看,College Board(以下简称CB)选用的文章都是摘自英美主要期刊的正论文,文章的目的都是针对近期国际尤其是美国国内的某个问题进行讨论,或警醒世人或针砭时弊;这需要考生对我们生活的这个世界发生的事有所了解, 否则很难在短时间内,又是在考试重压之下看懂作者究竟在说些什么。
以OG6作文The Lovely Stones为例,这篇文章其实是在敦促大英博物馆归还希腊其在19世纪初从希腊拿走的雕像,为了证明英国对这些希腊雕像的占有是不具合法性的,作者使用了大量的史实来证明英国政府,同时对这些雕像的历史及艺术价值进行了详细描述;为了更具说服力,作者使用了大量的emotive language, sarcasm等写作策略,时而对这些雕像赞扬以证明这些雕塑对希腊的重要性,时而又讽刺挖苦英国的不讲理。不少同学对这样的文章毫无招架能力,但如果关心一下时事,不难发现,自20世纪末以来,包括中国在内的很多国家都在向大英博物馆索要本国的历史文物,大英博物馆拒绝的理由是1. 申诉国没有证据证明这些文物是被英国政府非法占有的; 2. 涉及的国家自己没有好好保护人类共同的历史遗产,大英博物馆事实上承担了此项重任,并为此付出了巨大的人力物力;3. 如果大家都索要文物,那么大英博物馆就会被搬空了(weakening or emptying a museum);如果考生知道这些背景,那么很容易理解文章作者是在逐个反驳这些理由。
其次,阅读的时候,必须要学会提炼文章的中心思想(central claim)以及分论点(claim)。 以2016年12月亚太卷America’s Future Has to be Multilingual为例,作者开门见山,提出了第一个分论点(claim),即美国在双语教育方面落后了,作者用对比、列数字、引用权威观点来证明子自己的观点,然后进入第二个分论点,论证双语能力对美国未来的重要性,而这一段作者是运用了澄清迷思、大量引用权威机构的实验结论等方法,而这两个分论点的“堆积”(building up)都是为了本文中心思想(central claim)而服务的,即当局应该投资美国的双语教育,这关系到国家未来竞争力,这样的阅读方法肯定能加快正确解读文章的速度。
分析做到 “准确、彻底、逻辑严谨并且见解独到”
Analysis: Be thorough,well-thought and insightful
难点: 毫无逻辑、不知所云
建议: 抛弃所谓的模板句,从文章出发、从段落出发
空洞无物的“模板句”首先,请考生忘记所谓的模板句、“闪光的句子”及“必考句型”!看一些满分及高分作文,就会发现这些被CB评卷者认为完美的文章,在英文老师眼里怎么看都不能算是“完美”—啰嗦、语言稚嫩,甚至多处低级语法错误,但这些考生都无一例外地做到了“分析覆盖全文、观点清晰且独到,论证思路严谨,不疾不徐一步步推导;相反,那些套用了所谓的“必考句型”的考生, 因为内容空洞无物,最后都不能得到满意分数。
比如:2017年12月考题, 某位考生在文章开头写道:
In order to prevent old garments from going to waste, people nowadays often donate large amount of clothes to charity shops. In the opinion piece, “The trouble with Second-Hand Clothes”, Tansy E. Hoskins addresses the problems associated with second-hand clothes in relation to the markets.
1. Hoskins has provided plenty of evidence in the passage to back up his claim and persuasiveness.
2. Tansy E. Hoskins has also connected his evidence and claims with strong logical reasoning through analysis and a counterargument.
3. Lastly, Hoskins also refers to pathos in this passage through using rhetorical questions and a scientific tone.
尽管考生提到了一点三方面特点,但这样的分析太笼统。以第一句为例,考试prompt的要求是“请分析作者是如何运用evidence来说服读者的”,考生的首句,翻译成中文就是“Hoskins提供了大量的证据来支撑自己的观点和(增加)说服性的”,这句话等于没有说;后面两句有所改进,提到了比如counterargument、rhetorical question以及所谓的“scientific ”tone,但还是显得有些空洞;考生要牢记:好词好句是为了内容而服务的,不能本末倒置。
First, Hoskins claims that second-hand clothes damages economies of underdeveloped regions. To prove his viewpoint, he cites ample statistics, quotes research result from a prestigious university.
First, the author proves that the population is likely to decrease in near future. The author employs statistics like “from more than 2 percent a year in the 1960s to roughly 1 percent a year now”, which suggests that the increasing rate of population is “actually dropping”. The author further argues that the birth rate “in many countries has fallen” in recent decade. By employing examples of fertility, Kenya, Brazil, Iran and Ireland, the author bolsters his argument.
这样的分析就不能满足评分标准中“thorough”的要求,因为考生只是完成了分析中的一个任务,作者的写作意图,但忽略了至少这一段在文章中的作用—这段其实是一个重要的前提(prerequisite) 作者在文章第二段有讲述:他将逐一驳斥Sir David观点的两个前提条件,所以这一点应归属于The author begins off by refuting one of Sir David’s two prerequisites, which is, the world’s population keeps increasing, a common misunderstanding among the general public. 此外,还要论述这样写对读者会有什么样的效果、作者为何采用这些数据、例子,这些例子有怎样的说服力,以及这一段与下一段之间是如何自然过度的等等,这样的分析才是thorough。
Firstly, 1he has provided an example of sub-Saharan Africa where “a third of all globally donated clothes are sold”. One would argue this is a very sophisticated example because it has “a third of global market” 2With reference to statistics “300 bales of second-hand clothing” can be sold in Africa for around “$25,000”and a transport costs of “2000”Hoskins has manifested to the reader how selling of second-hand clothing can be a “lucrative affair”. 3Through using statistics quoted from an official organization, Hoskins has added credibility to his argument and made his claim clearer and more convincing to the reader that the re-selling of second-hand clothes would largely damage the African market and impose threat to “its own clothing manufacturing industry. Thus, Hoskins appeals to ethos through the usage of appropriate example and statistics in this passage.
文中that the re-selling of second-hand clothes would largely damage the African market and impose threat to “its own clothing manufacturing industry 是考生的观点,而他提供的论据12是没有办法推断出这个观点的,看似写了一大堆内容,其实这样的分析无效。 顺便提一句,这也是套用“模板句”的后果之一,这位考生有生搬硬套模板句之嫌。 比如:One would argue this is a very sophisticated example because it has “a third of global market”, 仔细阅读,大家不难看出,because前部分老练,而之后的可谓“狗尾续貂”,显得很稚嫩--批卷的老师是英语母语者,他们对这种落差很是敏感,希望考生能注意。
错误的分析一定要避免“读懂”文章全局很重要;同样,分析也需要从全文着手, 没了这种“大局观”很容易闹笑话,比如OG5作文第二段, 作者写到:
I’m hardly against air-conditioning. During heat waves, artificial cooling can save the lives of old, sick and frail people, and epidemiologists have shown that owning an AC unit is one of the strongest predictors of who survives during dangerously hot summer weeks. I’ve long advocated public-health programs that help truly vulnerable people, whether isolated elders in broiling urban apartments or farm workers who toil in sunbaked fields, by giving them easy access to air-conditioning.
多位同学吧文中解读The author quotes epidemiologist to prove that artificial cooling is important to the lives of old, sick and frail people. 这样的错误分析一定更要避免!整篇文章以sarcasm开篇,在讽刺美国人在能源使用上的愚蠢(dumb),而这段整体的目的是在clarify a misconception,即空调是给弱势群体使用的,言下之意是,你们身强力壮怎么可以依靠空调活命?哪位流行病学家会说出这样的话?这句话是在仿拟(parody )达尔文的名言“适者生存”(The survival of the fittest.) 考生应该分析讽刺sarcasm在这里的运用,而不是专家言论多么的有说服力。
OG7那篇 West London Blues最后一段,作者写到:
“But I never use the damn things!” says Mr. Notmytaxes, under the line. Sir, I believe you. However. British libraries received over 300 million visits last year, and this despite the common neglect of the various councils that oversee them.
同样,不少同学对这里又是不假思索的一句“The author quotes Mr. Notmytaxes to prove that libraries are no longer popular” However, he then……但是否可能有人姓 Notmytaxes 的?这里是以讽刺的口吻,列出典型的反驳观点,即Mr. Notmytaxes代表了一些人,他们反对纳税人的钱花在公共图书馆上,因为他们从来不去图书馆。这样错误的分析一定要避免。
写作:字迹清晰,基本的语法错误要避免Writing:Pay attention to your grammar
难点:考试疲劳 紧张,错误在所难免
建议: 避免明显的语法错误,平时要刻苦训练
总体而言,CB对学生的具体的写作部分语法、拼写要求不高—毕竟考到写作部分,考生已经奋战了3小时,疲劳加上高度紧张,错误在所难免,因此,CB 仅要求考生避免最基本的英语语法(free from the most superficial conventions of standard written English),但有些考生的语法实在令人难以恭维,主要常见的错误是冠词(a, an)的使用、第三人称单数遗漏s以及单词词性搞错,至于主语不一致、run-on句子CB几乎不做要求,因为实在数不胜数,建议同学们要把在SAT“语法”部分学到的知识运用到考试中。