
2022-05-27 13:28:20




  刚开始 AW,大部分人总归是有一些恐惧感的,毕竟从四六级的 100 字作文到 AW 的 500 数量级,这个飞跃在心理上确实是一个大跨越。就算是考过 T 的人在篇幅上也会有点小小

  的不适应。然而很多人在看了 3 分范文之后信心满满,觉得自己的 issue 至少可以到 4 分甚至 5 分。更有很多 3.5 分的人在自己的成绩出来之后跟范文对比觉得自己的 issue 肯定比 3

  分或者是 4 分写的要好。于是开始质疑 ETS 评分标准的改变。然而真的是这样吗?

  很多人会去分析 5 分,6 分的范文,并努力从中学到高分的精华。但是面对每次出分大批大批(超过一半)的 3 分 issue,从来很少人会去想,我们的作文缺乏什么,走入了哪些误区

  呢?现在我就从 3 分和 4 分的两篇官方范文为材料,解读这些误区。

  下面我们看一下 ETS 给的官方范文

  Sample Issue Topic ] { "In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated. We need more generalists — people who can provide broad perspectives."


  Generalists have the ideas and beliefs of what America is made of. America's wealth of knowledge can be related to the generalists of the past generations and the original leaders of our

  Constitution Period that helped shape our

  was created with the ability to adapt to the countries needs and demands in running our society as it changes over time. The generalists approach to this creation of a non-specialized Constitution shows the need for todays generations to continue with the beliefs that a specialist would not


  America has learned from it's past and has done what it can to make the changes through adaption.

  America's GREatness has been from the generalist leaders of the past, thinking for the Americans of the future. Americans with a broad perspective is what will continue to lead our GREat nation into the twenty-first century. (209words)
