Many medical treatments and procedures havebeen developed from experiments on animals. Since animals share many features with humans,scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs beforepilot testing on small groups of patients. Medical teams practice new operating techniques suchas transplants on animals. Without animal testing, many procedures or new drugs would beextremely unsafe.
However, many people are concerned that animals are suffering unnecessarily and cruelly.They do not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals, especially with thehuge database of knowledge and modern computer models. They also are worried that manyanimal tests are ineffective, pointing out that any drugs have had to be withdrawn from themarket despite extensive testing. They particularly feel that animal testing should not be usedfor non-essential products such as cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning products.Furthermore, some campaigners would like to see certain tests replaced and more humanemethods used.
We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new productsare treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidableat present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate ourhumanity.