Richness is not everything that can help people,although it can always make a difference. Charityonly sends a loaf of bread to keep the starvingpeople alive in their wretchedness, so besides moneythere must be other factors as well that can causethem to get out of their poor conditions. While the importance of financial aid cannot be over-estimated, it is crucial not to ignore the value of encouraging people to hope and dream.
Acknowledging that there are things money cannot buy, money is by far the most effectivefactor that can directly come to the rescue of people in extreme poverty. Money can buymany things--food for the hungry, clothing for the freezing, medicines for the sick, schools forthe young, housing for the homeless, to name only a few. It seems that cash contributions areso vital in helping people that apparently not enough is being done for that matter. Therefore itis the obligation of the rich to help the poor, if only on moral or humanitarian grounds. For allthings that money can buy in helping people in any way, richness is an essential means to thatend. In some critical situations concerning money or rather the lack of it, richness can certainlymake change happen, and may even help save human lives.
Often a person in want of help is not so much the one without a cent as the one without adream to become hopeful. It goes without saying that not only the wealthy but people in allwalks of life are able to help other people keep their hopes alive, one way or another. Teachersteach skills and doctors cure diseases and preachers inspire faith, and what not. In a certainsense, doing well one's job is of great help to society as a whole. Giving away money being avirtue, not everyone should wait to become a Bill Gates before doing good deeds that wouldbenefit people in general. Obviously, what this great philanthropist, as an example, is up to isbuilding hopes for the very desperate and providing love for the very poor because for hopespeople can dream and for being loved people would not give up hopes for better lives.
Enabling oneself to help people generate hopes and dreams had better be considered as anoble mission in life, money always being an important factor. However, that mission should gobeyond charity because richness alone cannot solve all problems affecting the less fortunatepeople. Nevertheless, without such donations from the rich, many problems associated withpoverty could only become worse.