1、In this age of knowledge explosion, many employees usually feel weak in keeping the of pace career development.
2、It is wise to require every school educator to update knowledge.
解析:update one’s knowledge v更新知识(充电学习)
拓展:acquire new knowledge v 学习新知识
3、Updating knowledge is a fundamental requirement for a highly qualified teacher.
4、Students are more likely to enjoy their study if their teachers can disseminate knowledge more vividly and humorously.
拓展:disseminate knowledge = pass on knowledge = convey knowledge v传播知识
解析:dis(分开)+ semin(种子)+ ate(动词词尾)= disseminate v 传播
5、Learners,in most cases,will respect and admire a teacher who is knowledgeable enough to answer the questions they raise.
解析:students = learners n学习者
6、It is commendable for school educators to receive better professional training at least every five years.
解析:commendable adj 值得赞美的
7、further educational training can make an instructor rediscover the beauty of the teaching career.
8、Otherwise,the sense of burnout will gradually grow on them.
解析:grow on v 加深对于…… 的影响
解析:sense of burnout n倦怠感
9、Therefore,those who receive on-the-job training will become more faithful to the organizations they serve because they can feel the sense of belonging and being valued.
解析: on-the-job training n 在职培训
10、When teachers excel in their specialized knowledge, not only does them become more popular among students, but also it may inspire their creativity and passion in teaching.
解析:excel in professional knowledge v 精通专业知识
11、If teachers’ motivation can be highly stimulated, their dedication to teaching career and spirit of self-improvement will inject new life into the further prosperity of relevant schools.
拓展:inject new life into = inject fresh vitality into v 为……注入新鲜活力
12、Elementary knowledge are so simple that school teachers needn’t to take trouble to update their knowledge.
13、Still, on-job training scheme will impose much pressure upon a school economically.
解析:impose much pressure upon a …… economically v 为……增加经济压力
14、All school educators should be required to attend relevant training courses to maintain competitive every five years.
15、…… can enhance the reputation of a school = …… can make a school enjoy tremendous popularity …… 可以提高一个学校的美誉度。
解析:enjoy tremendous popularity v 享有盛誉
拓展:tremendous = great adj 极大的