
2022-06-14 23:55:52


  Should的代换词 be supposed to 牢牢地把握住… hold fast to…

  珍视… put a premium on / set considerable store by / put a high value on / treasure / cherish / value

  牢记… bear in mind that… 基于... be based on / on the basis of 某事不是一成不变的 be not carved in stone

  是做去某事的最好方式 There’s no better way to… than to… 非常有效 go a long way

  有很大改进,有很大进步 come a long way 值得做某事 It’s worthwhile to… / be worth doing sth 把…归功于某人 give sb the credit for… / take the credit for…

  让某人可以去做… enable sb to do sth / equip sb with the ability to do sth 借鉴(经验等) draw on the experience of 提高效率/生产率 boost efficiency / productivity 给某人竞争优势 give sb a competitive edge 是实现……的方法 … is a gateway to… 开阔某人的眼界 expand one’s outlook

  达到……(某种目的)的途径 is a good vehicle for… 创造就业机会 generate… (employment) opportunities

  把A(金钱、时间、精力等)用到B这个目的上 dedicate A to B 承担起…的责任 assume/ shoulder the responsibility for… 关注… be mindful of

  “大量(有益的东西)”,尤其是后面加抽象名词时 a wealth of… 是持续一生的过程 … is a lifelong process 把……投入实践 put… into practice 发挥某人的潜力 fulfill one’s potential 来自内心深处 from within

