A response at this level: successfully selects the important information from the lecture; and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading; well organized; occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections.
A response at this level: is generally good in selecting the important information from the lecture and in coherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to the relevant information in the reading, but it may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading. A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more than an occasional lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas.
A response at this level: contains some important information from the lecture and conveys some relevant connection to the reading, but it is marked by one or more of the following: Although the overall response is definitely oriented to the task, it conveys only vague, global, unclear or somewhat imprecise connection of the points made in the lecture to points made in the reading; may omit one major key point made in the lecture. Some key points made in the lecture or the reading, or connections between the two, may be incomplete, inaccurate, or imprecise. Errors of usage and/or grammar may be more frequent or may result in noticeably vague expressions or obscured meanings in conveying ideas and connections.
2.结构:综合写作的结构从大方向上来说是没有问题和难度的,一般采用4段式,第一段Introduction, 接下来三段分别写出听力反驳阅读的三个方面。那么难度在哪里呢?考生务必要有的意识是段落和段落之间的过度和衔接是否有了,是否有效,是否正确,是否容易让人理解。这就需要考生把连接词提前准备好,句和句之间是什么关系就把相应的连接词用上去。笔者在课堂上会一再告知学生,不要让考官去理解你的句和句、段落和段落之间是什么关系,而需要考生用文章中的词去提示考官。如果考官觉得这篇文章行文结构都很顺畅,不难理解,那么分数是不会低的。