
2022-06-04 10:56:58


  In many countries, the number of elderly people is increasing fast. To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?

  Nowadays, owning to the improvement of living condition(这里习惯用复数), people can live much longer than before, which gives rise to the fast increasing number of elderly people. Some hold that this situation will result in a series of problems, such as social burden, population expansion and so on. While others insist that it agrees the development of modern society and brings many advantages. For my part, I take the latter side with(用for) the following reasons: (74words)



  Firstly, elder people(一会儿elderly people,一会儿又elder people,这不是自相矛盾么!!!) are the fortune of our society. They have enough experiences and capabilities which are badly lacked and needed for our youth when dealing with all sorts of problems, they can still do well in their jobs. Especially(前面应该用逗号,然后这里小写) in some professions, such as teacher, doctor, scientist and so on, sometimes (前面应该用句号,然后这里大写)age means the authority and ability. When you see a doctor, do you prefer an elderly doctor with grey hair or a youth without mustache? (77words)

  Secondly, elder people(同上) are the happiness of our society. Increasing number of elderly people is also the embodiment of our improving living quality, which shows our society run(应该第三人称单数)to the right and healthy direction, we(前面句号,这里大写) have more chance and time to serve our elderly people, and it’s the happiest time of all our life to accompany with(accompany是及物动词) our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. (63words)

  Finally, elderly people are the lubricant of our society. They have good temper and enough patients(应该是patience吧) to do anything, they can help us to intercede(它是不及物动词,而且主要用人作宾语) social disputes, and they make our society much more harmonious which(前面最好有个逗号)makes for the construction of harmonious society.(43words)



  From mentioned above, the advantages of increasing number of elderly people are obvious more than it disadvantages(典型的Chinese English.应该说there are obviously more advantages than disadvantages.). Elderly people are not the burden of our society but the source of fortune, happiness and harmony of our society.(37words)





  Gender discrimination is always a topic in our society. Nowadays, an issue(应该是the issue,因为表示特指) under discussion is whether equal numbers of male and female students should be enrolled in every subject by universityies(拼写!). In my opinion, it is benificial to put emphasis on sexual equality. However, the request of accepting same(前面要加the,属于固定用法) numbers of boys and girls in every subject is overly simplistic.



  There are mainly two reasons for me to say so.(过于口语化的表达.而且这句话就代表了本段要写两个分论点!这不是一种preferred的写法,既然有两个原因,为什么不能写成两段呢?!这样结构不是更加清晰么.) Firstly, individuals have their own rights to choose the subjects they enjoy. Thus, it is hard to say whether the number of these two different genders will coincidentally be the same in the end. Secondly,(这里开始应该另起一段) the society calls for different things from males and females. According to my experience, we have a special school named "Female school" in our university, the main subjects of which are intermedia, individual image design, photography and so on. Only girls can get enrolled in this school because the main goal of this school is to cultivate girls that not only can stand on their own fet(拼写!) after graduation, but also live a good life while they act as mothers or housewives in the future. There is no doubt that males and females will act different roles in society after graduation.

  点评: 结构上已经说过了,最好分成两段.内容上来说,两个分论点写地一般,第一个分论点后面的扩展太少;第二个分论点本身太抽象,表达地不清楚.


  Admittedly, up till now, sex discrimination remains a problem. The emphasis on equal education opportunities for both boys and girls is exactly a must, especially in rural areas. However, since boys and girls are born with different gifts and missions, the extreme equivalence is somehow a myth. Only when the gender differences are eliminated can this extreme equivalence come true.

  点评: 这段写得还不错,内容、结构和句型上都比较顺。

  In conclusion, I admit the importance of equal education opportunities for both males and females. But just like the harm sex discrimination will do, an emphasis on extreme equality of these two genders is also detrimental.




  The best way to solve environmental problems is to raise the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  As we see, smog is choking our cities and toxic chemicals are contaminating our drinking water, lowering the quality of people's living conditions. Naturally, the question is in the spotlight whether it is effective to cope with environmental problems by raising the price of fuel (这个句子写得比较特殊,因为是讲前面的 the question 和后面的同位语从句 whether it is effective… 隔开了,"凶手"是谓语部分 is in the spotlight .俗称,分割式同位语从句) . And my sense is that it is a good way, but never the best. (59words)


  It is true that manufacturers, whose aim is to make more profits, have to limit the amount of fuel used in production by some way (多么不好的表达!本来句子写得挺好的,结果来了句 by some way ,可以理解为通过某种方式,这样的话,应该不能算是错误的,但是从另外个角度,总觉得这个表达放在这个句子里有点"鸡立鹤群"的感觉,由于作者水平很高,所以能不能想想办法,精益求精呢?!) , due to the increase of fuel price, to cut down on their cost of products, reducing the emission in the process of manufacture (作者整句的意思是想说:"生产商的目的是获得更高的利润,所以必须通过某种方式限制生产过程所用的燃料,因为燃料价格上升了,这样做可以降低产品的成本,减少生产过程中气体排放."在我翻成中文以后,我们再来看这个句子,最后的 reducing the emission ...应该是可以理解了,它是 limit the amount of fuel used in production 的结果状语,而 to cut down on their cost of products 呢?!是目的.总结一下,这个句子完全可以当作我们翻译课上的例句,因为对翻译来说,老师最喜欢这样的句子,考验学生对句子结构的分析,此作者能写作这样的句子,水平看来和我有的一拼(小小自恋一下,呵呵...)但是,雅思考试的时候,考官是否能看懂呢?!我想考官是能够看懂的,但问题是考官会不会花心思去看?!这个是因考官而异,所以我主张,句子写得复杂没有问题,但是结构一定要清晰,不能复杂到连考官都琢磨半天,那就不好了!!!这句话,我乍看之下,能够理解,那么推定考官也能理解,所以还是不错的) . (超级长句,很不错) Also, faced with sharply growing price of common fuels, producers may turn to new types of energy resources that are economical as well as harmless to environment (还是前面加个 the 吧, environment 是可数名词) , in long term (前面逗号可以不要,然后改成 in the long term .看来作者对冠词的把握不好) 。


  But, as usual, only when the government or authoritative organizations enforce environmental regulations on producers will the latter scenario happen.( 倒装句开头,不错.另外,大家可以学个单词 ,scenario ,它在此表示"可能发生的情况"比如: The death of democracy becomes quite a likely scenario.) In other words, the authorities play an active role in preventing the excessive pollutants from pouring out into rivers or air. Without the compulsory clauses, manufacturers may choose low-cost fuel, rather than the one inoffensive to the surroundings, for, in the short term, manufacturers, especially small ones, can not afford the high expense on( 是 of 吧 ) advanced equipment that can make the most of resources, and thus, lessen the pollutants. (又是个厉害的长句,但是对冠词的把握仍然是瑕疵)


  Furthermore, on the whole, the high fuel price of energy resources can not eliminate the pollution, because there, whether more or less, has still been pollution ( whether more or less 虽然是插入语,但是感觉这句这样写有点不自然,而且后面是用完成时似乎也不对.试改为: there is still more or less pollution. ) . And, the radical approach to the environmental problems lies with the environmental awareness of producers. With the broad awareness about the importance of sustainable development, producers are willing to develop renewable energy resources, instead of being compelled to carry out the environmental policy established by the government, which is more effective but more difficult to reach. ( 长句,大家欣赏一下吧 )

  So, the environmental problems can be solved by the rise in price of fuel partially, but not radically. And then, better to take advantage to all the price mechanism, administration and the public's knowledge, than to make use of only one of them. ( 348words )


  试改为: Therefore, raising fuel price can, to some extent, tackle the environmental problems but is far from thoroughly and the combination of price mechanism, administration and public knowledge is much better than make use of merely one of them.



  There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education, but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’ moral standards.

  A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’ analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways, therefore improving their analytical ability. For example, science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature 123ve to let students ponder over issues from a logical, multi- dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic. With the development of these types of analytical thinking, graduates can face future challenges with more confidence and enthusiasm.

  Also, university education is expected to improve students’ moral standards. This is rooted in universities’ belief that students’ awar123ss of responsibility towards their community and their country is of high importance. In this ever-deg123rating society and civilization, students are encouraged actively participate in improving the local community. A university that provides care and facilities for physically disadvantaged students may inspire the graduates to better handle situations in the future where they may have to interact with the disabled community. A successful university education is supposed to produce morally sound graduates, therefore increasing their employability.

  In conclusion, university education not only helps students locate a decent job but will also develop other qualities such as enhancing their analytical skills and cultivating their hunger and spirit for life.


  A rise in the world's population is having serious, negative effects on the environment. Some scientists believe that the only way to solve the problem is to set up a colony on the Moon. Others argue that the cost would be far too great and other solutions should be sought.

  What is your opinion?

  The environment is, of course, under serious threat, but the extent to which population growth is responsible may not be as great as some people claim. In fact there are many other factors such as the growth in big cities, pollution from traffic and manufacturing, and the destruction of rainforest that probably play a bigger role. It is questionable, therefore, how far a colony on the Moon would help solve the problem.

  One of the most serious threats to the global ecosystem is the destruction of the rainforests with an area the size of Europe disappearing every year. And this is largely due to large companies in their pursuit of profit. Indeed, whilst international logging companies claim to use on average 10 percent of the species of trees that make up the rainforest, that 10 percent of species constitute about 90 percent of the volume.

  Naturally, if the world's population was not as large, the demand for wood would be considerably reduced, which would support setting up a colony on the Moon. But even if the colony was set up how many people in reality, would relocate? Even if the number ran into tens of thousands the actual effect on the world's population would be minimal. Indeed, we only need to consider how many people were killed during the two world wars, which ran into millions, to support this claim. Instead, the cost should be transferred into the development of sustainable economies.

  Take, for instance, the growth of big cities that consume land at an enormous rate, and that rely on transport and essential services that devastate the environment. If people were to revert to living in small semi self-contained communities, many of the problems experienced by big cities could be avoided. It would even be beneficial for the economy because it would promote the development of small, family run businesses.

  At the end of the day, to claim that setting up a colony on the Moon would help to solve the issue of environmental damage is to close our eyes to the causes of the damage. In short, it could potentially turn out to be a very costly exercise with few real benefits. (364 words)



  Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century?

  Many people are optimistic about the twenty first century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes in the world.(注意:这句话照抄了原题,考试时这样做会被扣分的!) Given(作介词,表示“考虑到”) current trends however this optimism is certainly unwarranted. If we are to see our way safely into the twenty second century, many fundamental changes still need to be made.

  The world has been changed in the twenty first century; advancements in medicine and technology have changed life and lifestyles for virtually all of the peoples of the world. Not only have these advancements brought society forward, it has brought society onto the cusp of a new era(新纪元的开始), the entire direction of human development is now changing from that of single nations eking out an existence(很好的短语,表示“勉强维持生活”)in some corner of the world, to the people of the world drawing together(团结起来) to take on projects and research that could never be accomplished in isolation.

  These changes however, have not all been positive. The environmental impact of industrialization has changed the face of the world as well, polluting oceans and rivers, stripping (剥夺)the world of some of its oldest and most verdant forests (绿色森林)darkening the sky with air pollution, poking holes in the protective ozone layer, and leading to the development of radioactive poisons(放射型毒物) capable of poisoning the earth and continuing to poison it for millions of years to come. Meanwhile, man is beset by(被困扰) problems of overpopulation and pollution. Like vermin, man is being overcome by his own filth and inability to stop reproducing.

  Man’s development in the last century has been massive, but in both directions, both forward and backward. This combination of development and destruction seems to be the basic nature of man, but if we are to survive, we must realize that progress, at the cost of ourselves is not only unacceptable but the path to destruction.#p#副标题#e#



  Manufacturers who advertise sometimes directly name one or two of their competitors and attack their products. What are your feelings about this advertising practice? Write an essay of about 250 words describing your ideas.

  Advertisers who directly attack their competitors may amuse me if they do it cleverly. However, they have probably lost me as a customer.

  Companies who attack their rivals remind me of people who boost their egos by criticizing others. When people do this, I often suspect they have little to offer and may even have something to hide. I would rather find out what is good about a person, not what is bad about someone else.

  Similarly, I like advertising that lets me know about products that might meet my needs. I don't place much faith in ads telling me what may be wrong with a rival product. I tend to suspect that the information could be biased.

  I also believe advertisers are foolish to name their rivals because by doing so they give the competing product free publicity. If the competition is worth attacking, I tend to think it may actually have something to offer.

  In advertising, as in life, I believe we should try to be the best we can be, without belittling the next person - or the rival product.#p#副标题#e#



  Most people have dreams of one day becoming rich. But does the average person have the ability to make a lot of money? Think about this question. Then write about 250 words describing your thoughts.

  When lack of money prevents us from having something we want very much, it is tempting to dream of being rich. It is hard to keep in mind that Americans are already wealthy compared with people in many other parts of the world. Our modern conveniences would have been the envy of kings in times past. Just the same, most people would like a larger. Whether most people are capable of making a lot of money is another question.

  People in average circumstances can often get ahead through education, hard work, and careful money management. But getting ahead is not the same as actually becoming rich.

  Only a small percentage of Americans could be called truly wealthy. Some people joined this group from ordinary beginnings. Usually they have done it by carefully riding some major development in the economy on its way up. In the past, great fortunes have been made in oil, steel, and railroads. Recently, some people have made millions in computers and real estate.

  Usually, though, it takes money to make money. Big investors often start rich and then get richer. Most of us cannot strike oil or start the next new technical breakthrough. Most people are not born into wealthy families, either. In America it certainly is possible to become more prosperous. But unless someone wins the lottery, real wealth is not very likely to come along.#p#副标题#e#



  For many years the nuclear family, consisting of father, mother, and children, was considered to be the normal family pattern in China's society. Yet in many other cultures and in our own in the past, three generations--grandparents, parents, and children--often have lived together. What are the advantages and disadvantages of three generations living together? Give specific examples in a 250-word essay.

  Three generations living together can have both financial and personal advantages. On the other hand, it can also have personal disadvantages.

  In years past and today, three generations have probably lived together mostly out of economic necessity or advantage. Sometimes a young family moves in with the older generation because the husband and wife can't afford a place of their own. Sometimes grandparents move in because they aren't well enough or can't afford to live alone anymore. Occasionally, grandparents come to take care of the children so both parents can work. In times past, and sometimes today, three generations have lived together because they all depended on the same farm or business.

  Usually these arrangements do help solve financial and practical problems. Everyone has a roof over his or her head. Children and old people in need of care are likely to get it. Often a family can get ahead financially by sharing the work and the bills. In addition, a strong sense of family and of belonging can develop in everyone.

  What may be harder to work out are questions of who's in charge. If grandparents don't let go of some authority, the middle generation is likely to resent it. On the other hand, ailing grandparents may force their children to be parents to them and to their own children as well. If parents and grandparents disagree on discipline, children may be confused or angry.

  The personal disadvantages can be overcome. For three generations to live together successfully, everyone's needs must be respected.#p#副标题#e#



  Nowadays parents like to give pocket money to their kids as a means of encouragement. Others think it has some negative aspects. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pocket money?

  With the development of our modern society, people’s living conditions have become much more comfortable. But along with intense competition, parents have less time to consider children’s needs comprehensively. One method to solve this contradiction is to give children some pocket money. Pocket money is useful to children. But it is debated whether children are capable enough to make correct use of the money. There are two viewpoints about the pocket money. Some people think that giving children pocket money will make them become luxurious. Others think that will not lead to such disadvantage. In my opinion, both of them are partially reasonable.

  Someone believes that giving children pocket money really has many advantages. With pocket money, children can buy their daily necessities such as pencils, little toys, and snack food they like. It will give children a certain freedom to select what they want, make them aware rules of the equivalent exchange. Since time to parents is very precious, giving pocket money to children help them to save time spent in shopping, but used in busy working and earning money.

  Others insist that there are undoubtedly some disadvantages in spending pocket money. First, young children do not know how to use pocket money appropriately, they possibly consume all the money to buy expensive merchandise that they like, and then ask for extra money from their parents. Some parents cosset their children, and always give them a large amount of pocket money. Such conditions will make children become more and more prodigal. Second, since adults do not supervise the procedure of shopping, children could probably buy something that is not suitable for their age, such as adult magazines.

  Judging these two viewpoints above-mentioned, I think that parents should give their children a limited amount of pocket money. There are some preconditions: the amount of pocket money must be finite; the parents should instruct their children how to use the money moderately and what is suitable to them. As for a costly piece of merchandise, parents themselves should take children to buy it. With these prerequisites, pocket money will do no harm to their children.#p#副标题#e#



  Every year billions of dollars are spent on advertising. Many approaches are used to persuade consumers to buy a product. Some seem to work better than others.

  One approach, for example, is to try to make the reader or viewer identify with the people shown using the product. These people seem to be glamorous, loved, successful, elite, clever, or sexy. Supposedly, anyone who uses the product can expect the same reward. Another approach is to let the product speak for itself; people are attracted to scrumptious food, beautiful clothing, and sleek new cars. Sometimes good prices and special deals are the focus. Ads for complicated products, such as computers, may provide a lot of information. Endorsements by celebrities are especially common.

  In general, many of the ads succeed. People do tend to buy what they see advertised. However, some advertising can backfire. People may be offended, for example, by ads that are overly sexy or ones that viciously or sarcastically attack competitors' products.

  Advertising can be a useful aid for the consumer. It helps a person learn what is new or in style or handy to have around, what things cost, and where to buy them. To use this information effectively, however, a person must learn to look past the emotional appeals and find the facts.#p#副标题#e#



  Should parents spend more time with their children for their life?

  In China, both of the parents have their jobs. With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. In my point of view, no matter how busy they are, they should make the best use of their time to stay with their children.

  First, the love between children and adults will be improved by spending more time on their children. Children could feel parents’ affection through the genial conversation and sharing their pleasure with them. Every time when parents take them to amusement park, help them to prepare their birthday parties, applaud for them when they are competing in the sports meeting, the time they spend with children will become treasure in their memories.

  Second, children need the direction from their parents. There are some wrong behaviors in our society such as dishonesty, corruption, violence and eroticism and so on. Children have weak resistance in defending this detrimental influence. In this case, parents’ instructions seem to be very important to children’s growth. Parents should sit down and talk with them about what they should do and should not do. In addition, if parents often spend time in staying with their children, adults’ good behaviors will greatly influence their children.

  Here I do not deny that there are some disadvantages in spending too much time on children. Some parents restrict their children, and give them little freedom to develop their interests. Therefore, I emphasize that parents should educate and instruct their children appropriately in their spare time apart from their busy work.#p#副标题#e#


  Sports are very popular in today's society. Some people believe, "Winning is the only thing." Others believe, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game." Is there a way in sports in which both opponents could "win" a game? "Lose" a game? Detail your thoughts on this issue in an essay of about 250 words.

  Sports include both national teams and the teams for the rest of us. The national teams are mainly concerned with winning and with money. The other teams are mainly concerned with winning and with money. The other teams provide different satisfactions.

  Being on a team helps people learn teamwork - to rely on others and to do their own part as well. Players learn both to win and to lose. When the team loses, the members learn that they can come back from a loss. They look for the reasons they were beaten, work on their weaknesses, and try again. When the team wins, the members can learn to be gracious winners and good sports.

  Sports are also for play. Most of us have work to do most of the time. Now and then we need to have fun. Sports can provide the time to relax.

  If a team helps people learn to work together, lose win, and have fun, it's a winner regardless of the score. But if players on a winning team have not worked together, if they feel that winning makes them better than others, if there was no joy in the sport, those winners are losers.

  Having the winning score is important. Being a winner as a person is worth even more. As a convincing maxim of friendship first and competition second suggests, we should adhere to equivalence of wining and losing.#p#副标题#e#


  More and more people are living by themselves today. What are the advantages of living alone? What are the disadvantages? Write an essay of about 250 words explaining the advantages and disadvantages.

  You come home alone after a long day at work. You open the door to your home. No one is there. Is it blessed silence you hear - or echoing emptiness?

  Millions of people who live alone today may have either experience. Some love living alone, yet others wish they didn't have to.

  When they open that door at night, people who live alone do not have to put up with demands or listen to someone's noise or meet anyone's dinner deadlines. They do not have to debate about which TV program to watch or stay off the phone because someone else is expecting an important call. No one else messes up their kitchen.

  But when they are sick, no one else will bring them an aspirin or call the doctor. Preparing dinner for one can be difficult, and eating dinner for one night after night can be very lonely. Perhaps no one really cares what they did all day. If they are feeling sad, there may be no one to cheer them up. Some people who live alone say the worst times come when something very good happens because there is no one to share the joy.

  During the course of a lifetime, one may sometimes live with others and sometimes live alone. Each way of life has its advantages. Learning to take advantage of them is one key to contentmen#p#副标题#e#


  Most people want to be successful in life, but success can come about in four ways: fame, money, knowledge, and pleasure. Success is also usually characterized by the word more; to be successful, people feel they have to be more famous, have more money, absorb more information, or enjoy life more.

  Success does not need to be characterized by quantity, however. Instead, you can measure the success of your life by its quality. It is not important, for example, how many people know you but who knows you and for what. Working in your community or on good relationships with family and friends can bring quality fame. Earning less money but spending it wisely and learning the joy saving is another way to succeed. Learning more so that you can turn around and teach someone else produces quality knowledge. And finally, all the above will most likely bring you quality success in enjoying the pleasures of living.

  Success, in conclusion, can be seen in different ways by different people. Only one thing is sure. No matter what other people see, the only one who knows whether you're succeeded is you.#p#副标题#e#


  Surveys show that more people get the news by watching television than by reading the newspaper. Think about whether TV news shows are adequate as a person's only source of news. Write an essay of about 250 words that details your thoughts.

  Television news shows are dramatic and interesting. Watching them is pleasant and does not require the effort of reading. If television did not cover the news, some people would know nothing about what is going on in the world.

  However, television newscasters cover only the events that they have time for, and they prefer stories that include some dramatic pictures. Viewers are quickly bored with reporters who sit and talk into the camera. As a result, a complicated story is often cut short.

  Newspapers and magazines do a better job of explaining complex events. They can include details, and a person with a special interest can take the time to read them. Others can stick to the headlines.

  Reading allows more freedom of choice than television. The TV audience cannot decide which stories to watch. In broadcasting, "one size fits all". However, a person who reads newspapers and magazines can choose to spend time on business, sports, health, or the school board election, depending on special interests.

  Television provides a useful glance at what's happening. However, a person who has individual interests and who wants the whole story needs newspapers and magazines as well.#p#副标题#e#


  Creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas (words, pictures, music and films. However some people think government should take some restriction with them. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give your reasons with own knowledge and give examples.

  The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to cater for people’s needs for aesthetics and enjoyment. Some masterpieces by the world-renowned artists like Shakespeare, the greatest poet in British literature; Vinci, the most famous Italian painter, architect and sculptor impress the people around the world deeply. From my point of view, the government should not give restrictions to artists. On the contrary, their creativity and innovation should be encouraged.

  Creativity is the source of arts. The development of literature is a very vivid illustration. From Classicism to Romanticism, from Renaissance to Realism, from Humanity to Post-modernism, all the styles of literature reflect people’s thinking and have epoch-making significance. Suppose there were only one style of literature, people would not appreciate so abundant poetry and novels and our world would become so monotonous.

  Furthermore, restrictions on creativity will arouse tragedies, one of which is “Burn books and bury the literati in pits” in Chinese history launched by Emperor Qin Shihuang, who buried the Confucian scholars alive and prohibited the dissemination of Confucian. Another tragedy was started by Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, who killed many creative artists and intellectuals, undermining the literal development and distorting the development of humanity. History proves that only when a government encourages people to express their own idea and thought freely, can its country make progress and prosper.

  Finally, I will quote a classic sentence from a famous article entitled “Give me liberty or give me death” by Patrick Henry, the greatest writer in American history, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”








  Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others, however, think that each individual should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem insignificant compared to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.

  Individual actions, small as they may be, can prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies.

  There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which require a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, e.g. an oil spill near the bord der line, which would necessitate government intervention or even international coordination.

  So, in conclusion, when it comes to environmental problems, individual actions are indispensable in the problem solving process. But the most pressing and complicated problems go far beyond an individual’s capability and so require the concerted effort of the government as well as the global community.#p#副标题#e#


  A balanced diet, or eating balanced meals, is the key to a healthy life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

  Although a balanced diet is important, there are other factors that contribute to a healthy life. People in some cultures do not eat a balanced diet, but use limited food sources. In addition, lack of stress could well be as important as diet.

  One culture-related reason concerns environmental or climatic conditions. The Inuit, in the Arctic Circle, live in harsh surroundings and their major source of food for many months of the year is fish. Nutritionists in industrialized countries would not consider their diet balanced or even healthy, yet Inuit people have flourished in food from the sea for centuries. Another cultural reason is religion-based. Many Hindus are vegetarians because of their religion. Again, many dieticians claim that vegetarianism is unbalanced because humans need protein, especially from animals. Hindus, however, seem to be quite healthy, suffering no ill effects from the lack of animal protein.

  The major reason for disagreeing with the balanced diet argument, however, is to do with stress. Even though people in the past did not always have a balanced diet, something existing only on potatoes and bread, they lived healthy lives because there afflicts urban residents today. Secondly, there is a large percentage of contemporary people who do their jobs, then relax in front of the TV, and quite often eat junk food. But seem healthy enough. They may be spared disease by their relatively stress-free lives.

  In conclusion, although it is undeniable that a balanced diet is of some importance to health, there are no doubt more factors that may get involved in affecting people’s health in terms of living environment, climate and stress in them.
