The lecture talks about , which apparently refutes the points illustrated in the passage. According to the passage, Conversely, the professor holds the view that .
First, the professor argues that , namely . In other words, (听力信息)nevertheless, which directly contradicts what the passage indicates, that is, (阅读信息).
The second point the professor uses to cast doubt on the passage is that(听力信息) . However, the passage states that(阅读信息), which is in sharp contrasts to the lecture. It is that as a matter of fact, according to the lecture. . So there lies another part where experience contradicts theory (assumption).
Another evidence the lecturer adopts to refute the passage is , differing from the statement of the passage.
challenge / question / contradict / weaken / jeopardize / cast doubt on / disagree with
Contrary to what is stated in the reading that ..., the speaker strongly thinks that....
faults / weakness / defect / mistake / error
discuss / review / examine / investigate / reinvestigate / reexamine / raise the issue that / strongly think that
reinforce / enhance / bolster / give a boost to / support
Contend a similar stand that, the same as the statement that, in accordance with the Meanwhile, likewise
proof / demonstrate / sustain / illustrate / confirm / corroborate / substantiate / affirm / strengthen / fortify / underpin / defend / fend for / endorse