
2022-06-08 15:06:48



  今天的审题关键点:The group will be helped more .....!!! 好好读三遍,其他的不说了,开始吧~!

  Debates usually happen when it comes to being a cooperative team member or the unique one in a team. But from the group’s perspective, I think here comes the end of the discussion, because the benefits brought by different voices will far outweigh blind cooperation.


  The first benefit lies in fostering team creativity. Obviously, the one with distinct ideas can inspire the entire team to think outside the box. Though the distinct voice may not always be the distinctive one, everyone in this team stands great chances of coming up with unconventional and innovative ideas, with the team gaining continuously fresh perspectives on how to make progress. Google is a good example. This company is so well-known for what it’s done to embrace inspirations: cozy working environment, generous pay and alluring welfare system. Actually, it is this belief of cherishing different ideas that makes this Silicon Valley behemoth keep remaking the world, although not every idea makes huge sense. Likewise, if Starbucks turned those different but creative voices down when expanding its business around the globe, probably never would we see the traditional Chinese-style windows and furniture set in a western coffeehouse in Beijing, and Starbucks would also not be a smash hit in China in only couples of years.

  第一个好处在于提升团队创造力。很显然,那些有着不同想法的人能够鼓励整个团队跳出固有思维模式。尽管不同(distinct: different in a way that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc.: noticeably different) 的声音不一定真的与众不同(distinctive: appealing or interesting because of an unusual quality or characteristic),但是团队中的每一份子都能有更多机会想出一些非常规且很有创意的点子,同时团队也能够获得持续不断的关于如何取得进步的新创意。谷歌就是一个很好的例子。这家公司闻名于他为了鼓励创新所作出的努力:舒适的工作环境,丰厚的薪资,诱人的福利体系。事实上,正式这种珍惜不同观点的理念才使得这只硅谷巨兽在不断改变着世界,尽管不是每一个新观点都会有很大意义。同样地,如果星巴克再全世界拓展业务时,将那些不用但又很有新意的声音拒之门外的话,那么如今,我们很可能没有办法在北京的一家西式咖啡馆中看到传统的中式窗棂和家具了,而且星巴克也不会在短短几年里在中国取得巨大的成功。

  Not only creativity, team cohesion can also be enhanced. You may wonder how this could happen with the one often acting against the group. Just take a closer look, and think what does this mean. Doesn’t this mean the leader of team remains open to suggestions and concerns? Doesn’t this mean trust can be shared between the leader and members? You probably don’t have to feel anxious about being scolded or getting fired when you are the only one with different ideas. In other words, in such a team, individual capacity can be maximized. Despite the potential conflicts, each member of the team will get used to being kindled by his/her co-workers and contributing their own innovations. Doesn’t this help promote a sense of camaraderie and belonging for the entire group?


  Of course, it is argued that management may be more difficult if someone always sings a different tune. In contrast, a collaborative colleague can enable everyone to work in a more harmonious environment. After all, others’ support and concerted efforts are crucial to facilitating communication and keeping morale up. But truth is when everyone is saying no problem, is there really no problem? When everyone votes “Yes” to an investment in a foreign company, does that mean it is worth investing? No one can give a definitely correct answer to these questions, but anyone should admit that if now a person stands out to remind others of thinking twice, the team can have another chance to take more possibilities into consideration.


  To sum up, although doing what your teammates do may make some sense, I still believe for a team, the ones thinking and doing differently may do more good, for its contribution to taking a team from ordinary to extraordinary.


