
2022-06-05 09:40:38


  Work& Success

  determination 决心

  motto 座右铭

  established 确定的

  a household name, glorious 人尽皆知的人;光荣的

  fame, prestige, reputation 名气;威望;名声

  misfortune, despair 不幸;绝望

  attitude, tenacity/perseverance 态度;毅力;坚持不懈

  commitment/undertaking/endeavor 承诺;事业;努力,尽力

  highly-­sought-afte 被高度追求的

  have a yearning/longing/craving for sth 对某事有很大期许

  remarkable/excellent/outstanding/distinguished 杰出的,优秀的

  willpower 意志力

  setback 挫折

  rugged 崎岖的

  insurmountable 无法超越的

  be adept in/be skilled in/be good at 在某方面很擅长

  adhere to(principles, rules, a diet) 坚守

  indispensable 不可或缺的

  be a flash in the pan 昙花一现

