托福写作范文History and literature,science and mathematics

2022-06-11 01:14:50



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons to support your opinion.


  While I was inmiddle school, I was told by my mathematics teacher, “If you understand scienceand mathematics, you can make it

  anywhere in the world.” This is still truetoday. History and literature are very important, and need to be studied.However, if I have to choose between the two, I infer that it is more importantto study science and mathematics sin they are more practical. In fact, it

  iseasier to secure a job with skills in science and mathematics. Also, expertsinscience and mathematics have higher social statuses, and make more money.

  The primary reasonfor studying science and mathematics is that those who do so land jobs moreeasily than those who study history and literature. Jobs are always availablein fields such as medicine, engineering, and other professions that make it arequisite to have a science or mathematics background. Students who studyhistory or literature can find jobs, but most of jobs are either teaching orwriting and seldom well-paying. For example, one friend of mine with a degreein history from a prestigious university was offered a job of teaching in acommunity college for 7,000 dollars a year whereas another friend of mine witha degree in chemistry from a good university got a job in a company which paidhim 14,000 dollars a year.

  The second reasonwhy it is more important to study science and mathematics is that scientistsand mathematicians are valued more than experts in history and literature. Forexample, when asked what they do, experts in history and literature may receivelittle attention when they provide the information. In contrast, a scientistmay excite a lot of interest among those who listen to his or her introduction.The reason for such a differential treatment is not personal, but is

  indicativeof a social trend; scientists and mathematicians in general enjoy more socialprestige than those who study history and literature. The third reason forsuch a choice is that scientists and

  mathematicians generally make more moneythan people in other professions. Like the differential attention that they mayreceive, the two groups of people are assigned different values moneywise.

  Adoctor, a chemist, or a person in one of these fields often has a much highersalary than a professor of literature or an expert in history. Moreover,scientists and mathematicians generally have more projects to work on andtherefore make even more money.

  Our society places a great value on science and mathematics, so itis important to learn skills in these fields. With a science or

  mathematicsbackground, one will secure a high-paying job, enjoy much social prestige, andreceive a hefty salary. Such being the case, who would choose to study anythingother than science and mathematics?

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