A response at this level successfullyselects the important information from the lecture and coherently andaccurately presents this information in relation to the relevant informationpresented in the reading. The response is well organized and occasionallanguage errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecisepresentation of content or connections。
Main point: 塞恩加尔骑士的回忆录不够精确
- Sub point 1:回忆录声称自己很有钱,但是事实上他借朋友钱。
- Sub point 2:回忆录上对于他跟伏尔泰交谈记录得过于详细,不合常理。
- Sub point 3:他声称自己在威尼斯越狱,但实际上他是政界朋友帮忙行贿才获得自由的。
阅读笔记容易出现两种极端:1. 有些学生觉得浪费时间,所以不记笔记。2. 有些学生觉得要记清楚,所以可能出现记整个句子导致对顶时间内读不完。这两点都不可取,学生可以根据自己的笔记习惯去记录,不用太细,但一定要要去记录结论和三个点分别是什么。
Main point: 听力的结论与阅读相反,那肯定就是塞恩加尔骑士的回忆录真实了。
- Sub point 1: 他很有钱,那借钱时怎么回事呢?
- Sub point 2: 他的回忆录到底怎么记得这么清楚的?
- Sub point 3: 他肯定是从屋顶跑的,那有证据吗?对于他有权的朋友怎么解释呢?
Main point: the Chevalier’s memoir is,by a large,a reliable historical source.
Sub point one: it usually took a few days to convert his assets into actualmoney. So when he ran out of cash, he had to borrow some while he was waitingfor his money to arrive, but that’s not being poor.
Sub point two: each night immediately afterconversing with Voltaire, he wrote down everything he could remember about thatparticular night’s conversation and kept his notes of these conversations formany years. Witnesses confirmed that he regularly consulted notes and journalswhen composing the memoir.
Sub point three: Other prisoners in thatprison had even more powerful friends than he did, and none of them were everable to bribe their way to freedom. old Venetian government documents. Theyindicate that soon after the Chevalier escaped from the prison, the ceiling ofhis old prison room had to be repaired.
a.转折与对比 however, on thecontrary, nevertheless, rather than…, by contrast on the other hand
b.强调 remember that..., a major development isthat…, the basic concept here is …, the basic concept here is …, the importantidea is…
c.例证 for example, as anexample, that is, to give a specific example
d.提出观点 in addition,furthermore, in the same manner, another reason is…
e.发表意见 according to,personally, in my opinion
f.下结论 all in all, in conclusion, consequently,finally, therefore