
2022-06-11 06:24:45



  Learn: Teaching as Apprenticeship

  Preparation for a teaching career should follow the model of apprenticeships, in which novices learn from experienced masters. Student teachers should spend less time in lecture halls learning educational theory and more time in classrooms, working directly with students and master teachers. Teaching skills should be continually sharpened, with time to take courses, attend conferences, and share lessons and tips with other teachers, online and in person.

  Reality Check: Online communities such as Middle Web, the Teacher Leaders Network, and the Teachers Network bring novice and expert educators together in a Web-based professional community. The online mentorship gives novice teachers access to accomplished practitioners eager to strengthen the profession at its roots.


  learn from experienced masters:像有经验的老师学习

  learning educational theory :学习教育理论

  working directly with students :直接(面对)学生

  sharpened teaching skills :打磨教学技能

  attend conferences, and share lessons and tips with other teachers :参加会议、跟其他老师分享课程和技巧

  accomplished practitioners :有成就的从业者

  eager to strengthen the professionat its roots:急切从根本上加强专业技能


  It has been said, “Not everything that is learned iscontained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience withknowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important?Why?
