
2022-05-25 15:56:43


  一提到商业类话题,必然会涉及从事商业活动的主体---公司。为了帮助我们加深了解,现在让我们想象一下,如果让我们来开一家公司会是什么样的情形。首先公司的目标是什么呢?当然是money了。所以少不了要用上挣钱的各种说法。嗯,只会make money?别着急,咱们看看新闻报道里都会怎么说。

  Panhanding used to be so personal, but now, there is cyber-begging: a girl seeks for money to have surgery to be skinny. She only gets 18 bucks. But others have raked in thousands.

  这是一则讲述网络乞讨的新闻。一个女孩在网上筹资做瘦身手术,但是只获得了很少的18美金,而其他人已经进账数千元。这里的rake in是指大赚一笔的意思。rake的原意是耙子。rake in的意思就很好理解了:用耙子把钱都扫进来,是不是很形象?那既然说到钱了,肯定得说公司从哪儿赚钱对吧?精明的公司肯定有一套自己的生意经和摇钱树。嗯,那摇钱树怎么说?肯定不是shake money tree啊!!在英文里自然有对应的说法。有一则新闻在报道名人用自己的婚礼赚钱时就提到了这一表达:

  Then, there is Starr Jones. She wasn’t even coy about cashing in, selling sponsorships for her big day to Continental Airlines, sationery studios, bridalshops, dry cleaners... Wreched excess costs explain why celebrities try to turn their vows into cash cows.

  主持人Starr Jones在结婚时也没忘赚钱,将大喜之日的赞助权卖给了大陆航空、文具公司、婚纱店、干洗店……在这段新闻中咱们看到摇钱树的表达是cash cows,比喻财源滚滚如同挤牛奶一般。顺带还有一个cash in也是挣钱的意思。总而言之,这位大姐又是cash in又是cash cows,肯定是个土豪。那土豪怎么形容?有一个说法是deep-pocketed,是形容词表示多金和富有的意思。

  而正常情况下,不是说公司想赚钱就能赚钱的,身在市场自然是要面对激烈的竞争。有多激烈呢?就比如说像下面这条一句话新闻:Lightweight computers are going head-to-head with pocket PC.可以这么想象,竞争双方都头对头了,那肯定说明竞争是异常激烈的。所以go head-to-head是一个很形象的表达。但是就算是竞争也不可能会一帆风顺,公司总会遇到各种问题,甚至陷入困境之中。最典型的例子之一就是盗版音乐的猖獗对唱片业造成的冲击。比如说这篇报道:

  The threat of new technologies has indeed pushed the recording industry into a tight corner. Case in point: Linkin Park. The brand was the biggest selling act of last year with about 4.8 million fans buying their hit album,Hybrid Theory, but it is estimated the same number got hold of unauthorized copies of the album.

  著名的乐队“林肯公园”在销售音乐时也受到了盗版音乐的困扰。从一个侧面反映出新兴科技让传统的唱片业面临了困境。在这里我们学到了一个新的词组:push…into a tight corner,意思是“使….陷入困境中”。我们可以用来形容经营不善或是产业萧条使得公司陷入了困境中。另外这篇报道还买一送一,附送了一个用于举例的表达: case in point,可以同for example进行替换使用。话又说回来,如果咱们的公司运作良好呢?那肯定是客源不断财源滚滚,那咱们也不必担心没话说。有一则商业新闻报道了纳帕谷葡萄酒庄的故事:

  We spent a lot of time up in Napa Valley, because we love the beauty… but no such luck for Tom Powers, who drives an average of sixty miles each day, from yard to yard, keeping the wine flowing for a client base growing as fast as the vines.

  新闻中还用了比较诗意的语言来形容纳帕谷。但是重点是在后面,为了扩大生意,不得不奔波经营自己的客户群,能够使得他们像藤蔓一样繁荣生长。所以这里咱们就可以摘用这个形象的表达 a client base growing as fast as the vines。


  1.There is much discussion today about _____.Those who criticize _____ argue that _____./2.Some lay the blame for _____on _____./3.Thanks to _____, more and more_____./4.A recent (Callup) poll shows that _____./5.How to _____? I think two factors are most important./6._____is (also ) believed to _____./7.Analyst said the move was aimed at _____./8._____ increased (decreased) _____, according to figures released last week by _____.


