带着自己的思考来看tpo 30 独立写作范文,才能真正训练写作思维!

2022-05-20 12:42:12

   练习的一个常用必杀技就是对照范文模仿。因此积累写作范文资料以备日常练习之需要是很多tpo 30 独立写作范文,It is more enjoyable to have a job and you work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours,是一周工作三天每天时间长些好呢还是一周工作五天每日时间短些好,你怎么看?记住带着自己的思考看范文,才能同时训练自己的写作思维喔!

  It is more enjoyable to have a job and you work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours.

  Among all the characteristics of the modern era, the most remarkable one is that there is a large range of jobs available to employees. It is not uncommon to see that some people are working less than four days a week for long hours whereas others are occupied with their job five days a week for fewer hours. In my view, both types of work have their benefits and flaws respectively.

  To start with, working three days rather than five days a week not only spares one much more time for other important matters but also enables one to have a comparatively flexible schedule. This is true because, unlike those who have to go to work regularly during weekdays, people who work merely three days have got four days, more than half a week, left to do whatever they like to do, like things that can only be done during weekdays. Besides, due to the availability of four days in a week, employees can establish a rather flexible schedule for themselves. The flexibility of schedule in turn enables the workers to enjoy their life more freely. In addition, these people can even pick up a part-time job more easily than those who have only got weekends available. Hence, by working only three days a week workers can have more spare time to enjoy their life than those who don't. In contrast, for the majority of workers who work regularly five days a week for relatively shorter hours, the rewards are that they don't have to work very late every day and they will still be energetic enough to enjoy other activities after work. The reason is that working less hours prevents the workers from being too exhausted when they finish their work. Thus, they can hang out with friends in a bar or have a dinner with important persons in the evening. Considering that most of the jobs available today require staff to assume their duty five days a week, those who apply for jobs with five working days will, with a greater chance, find an ideal job which they can enjoy throughout their life. As a result, people who work five days a week as the majority do can equally enjoy their life but in a quite different way.

  All in all, never is there perfection for everything. People who choose both types of jobs are faced with both advantages and disadvantages, so if they follow their heart and make the right choice, they can both enjoy their work and life very well regardless of the type of work.



