1、篇幅一定要长,用语简洁。我当时写到第二面只剩6、7行。一看到题目,赶紧确立”Agree” or “Disagree”,并定2个观点(并不是要全部想好了才能动笔,写到后面灵感来了说不定会有很好的idea),这个过程不会超过1分钟。接下来,就是写写写!我当时几乎没停过笔,写这句的时候,已经在想下一句写什么。其实注意一个逻辑性,你就很容易接得下去,实在写不出,就来个强调,同一个意思,变换一个句型!一个观点,3、4句很快就过去了。尤其写到后面,已经麻木了或者文思泉涌,所以不会挤不出来。
Passage 1
When we get along with someone, especially for the first time, it’s quite natural for us to put judgment on him/her, drawing a brief conclusion about the person’s personalities、abilities as well as other features. However, I personally agree that we should avoid judging a person by his/her external appearance, with the reasoning below.
First of all, external appearance can not represent a person with complete accuracy. As social creatures, human beings are complex and multidimensional. External appearance are only part of a human being, giving others impression of what he/she looks like. When we judge a person, it’s more important for us to know his/her personalities、abilities and other internal features. All these can hardly be reflected by a person’s appearances, which he/she can never choose, but by what he/she thinks and how he/she behaves. Then, with a view to knowing a person’s thought and behavior, we need to get along with him/her longer and further.
In the second place, judging a person by his/ her external appearances implies disrespect and offense. As stated above, external appearances are god-given, and a person can never choose what he/she looks like. All people are just equal, regardless of how their resemblance differs. It’s not fair to set external appearances as a criteria of judging a person. Doing so can’t do anything good to interpersonal relations, but generate misunderstandings and conflicts.
Apart from the unwarranties of judging a person by external appearances we can also cite many great figures, who are not good in appearances, but desire others’ admiration and honor: Deng xiaopin, Winston Churchill, Professor Hawkings, etc. From these examples, we find that bad external appearances can never hamper a person to distinguish himself.
All in all, never be reckless to judge a person by external appearances, or you’ll be judged no good by others in return.
Passage 2
As social creatures, human beings have the innate desire to communicate with others. There are various ways people carry out intercourses: face to face communication, writing letters or emails, making telephone calls, etc. Of all the types of communication, I suppose that face to face communication is the best, with the reasoning as follows.
In the first place, people can improve their skills and ability of getting along with others, through face to face communication. Unlike writting letters or making phone calls, communicating face to face requires not only language, but also expressions, gestures, etc. This determines that communicators should behave well, for that they can see each other while communicating. Futhermore, if one wants to response properly, he/she must take efforts to understand his/her peers" habits, personalities, temper and behavior during the processing of their face to face communication. Having experienced the complexity of interpersonal contact by communicating face to face, people thus can become sophisticated and tactful.
In the second place, face to face communication generates greater efficiency and accuracy. Face to face means no distance or positional distinction between the communicators. In such an intimate atmosphere, one can hardly shirk or disguise. What he/she says and does may best represent what he/she means. Moreover, without any restraint of time and space, one can adjust his/her response instantly and correspondingly, which greatly reduces the possibility of misunderstanding and confusion.
To be dialectical, I"d like to say that every type of communication has its merit, and on a certain occassion, a suitable type should be adopted. However, the great diversity and flexibility of communication just distinguish the value of the original way of face to face.
Passage 3
Suppose that I’m the boss of a company, I would definitely not hire my employees for their entire lives, with three main reasons concerned.
In the first place, employees become less productive inevitablely, as they get older and older. With the degrading of physical and mental abilities caused by increasing age, people act slowly learn passively and can not response so instantly or properly as they do when young. Thus, they may become less competent at work, decreasing their contributions to the employers. In contrast, workers usually get higher pay as their length of service rises. As a result, the pay can not balance with the reward, which makes their companies less profitable.
In the second place, the conditions employers face are changing all the time, requiring that they possess flexible personnel. The climate in the business circle is greatly complex and changeable., which always poses new problems employers should settle. If they hire employees for their entire lives, the necessary metabolizing the personnel will be destroyed. Consequently the employers may find that they have no suitable employees to carry out the new tasks appointed. So, employees should be fired timely when they are unable to solve the new problems at work, without the adequate sills and abilities their jobs require.
Last but not least, hired in all life, employees may lack the willingness to strive for their future. As we all know, in order to spur and animate the entire personnel, the employers should create a competitive atmosphere for their employees. Only when they face the risk of losing jobs, may the employees be enthusiastic and diligent enough at work, exerting all efforts to perform well. With an assurance of life time employment, they will hardly have the impetus to improve themselves and finally lose the personality of enterprise.
In conclusion, employing workers for all their lives has many disadvantages, which will do bad to employers as well as employees. So, life time employment can not be justified.