3月25日 ★★
4月1日 ★★
4月15日 ★★
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One can learn about another person by the books and movies that person likes.
世故的中老年人(sophisticated people),价值观已经坚硬固化,不管是走在康庄大道还是崎岖小径上,他们只会被自己的习惯带着走去做他们习以为常的事情。他们只读爱读的书,只看爱看的电影,从中试图找寻出他们自己的影子。中老年人游离于潮流之外,也看不懂流行,坚定的选择他们认为对的事。
To be honest, we can get a lot of information of middle-aged and old people from observing what kind of books they read and what kind of movies they watch, because they always tend to follow their habits and values.
In spite of the information that we can learn from the books and movies that person likes, however, it is irrational for us to take it for granted that we can figure out characteristics of all people, particularly when we take young people into account.
3月15日 ★★
4月1日 ★★
4月15日 ★★
Many school require young children(aged 5-11)to work together in a small group instead of working alone to visit many activities. Do you think it is the best way to teach children?
这个分类其实来自于这样一个问题:Should Children go to Preschool?对于这问题大家也是各有见地,正方观点无外乎为培养孩子在集体生活的能力,具体可以写以下几点:
In preschool,
1.Children will learn many early social skills and manners
2.Children will realize that they are not the center of the universe
3.Children will begin to learn sharing, taking turns, following directions
4.Children will gain a sense of pride in their independence
5.Children will quickly and easily learn things like letters, numbers and other cognizant learning skills.
所以,这道题我们就分成 5-7岁vs. 7-10岁:让步段可以在上面的5个论点里面随便挑两个写,转折段相信睿智的同学们已经想出来了吧。不错,让步段就可以围绕“独立思考能力和培养个性”来写。
让步段:Certainly, by no means can we underestimate the valid part of the statement in question especially when children aged five to seven are involved in this topic.
转折段:It is true that children should be required to work together in a small group, but applying this advice to all children is ungrounded, particularly for children aged seven to ten.
3月25日 ★★
4月1日 ★★
4月15日 ★★
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
The good and evil are balanced by concealing our mundane thoughts of money. To be honest, for parents raising their children or say cultivate them can be a huge investment, in both long-spanning time and great deal of money. All of their painstaking is for only one purpose: let their children be happy, and in return for the money and effort they had spend. However, even in a material world of this age, we still have more than money considering a job.
The job gives us chances to perform, or show what we learned and make values at the field. Different jobs provide various types and different properties of work experience, which can be conceived equally based on interests and preferences. However, it happens that one offers more salary or wage than another, people would love to get higher paid or earn more to meet their satisfaction, therefore pursuing this type of jobs. But a money-based job can never give you chance to perform if it against your inner will, we all know that the standard payment of financial relatives are higher, but if one loves engineering instead of financing, then it can’t express himself truthfully or deeply as contradicting the will. Money is at most a disguised pathway for unwilling hearts.
Yet not many reasons supporting the idea that wealth brings good, and the fact that money-based job can be vicious as well as misleading. Jobs like drug dealer or prostitute earns a lot but totally bad and illegal that ruins from life to life. Money is no wrong at all, the truth is we are motivated or lured too much by frivolity, a desire of an extravagant life always affects us to make wrong decision, therefore we should never put the aspect of money at first place considering a job.
Think of a real reason to motivate us and make values that share inspiration, think of a real happiness to get the chance to express our heart, think that the money alone is never enough for a real good job.
3月25日 ★★
4月1日 ★★
4月15日 ★★
Do you agree or disagree:young people should try many different kinds of jobs or career before they decide the long term career of their life.
但是这样的话就跟我们一贯的中立态度矛盾了,所以我们还是要多想一下。不断尝试,也是有条件的,比如你身无分文(有点夸张),还要养家糊口,作为家里的bread earner,你能很任性地跳来跳去吗?再如你在战乱的落后国家,你能这么任性吗?答案是不能,因为你有可能连眼前的苟且都没有。所以这道题所给的建议不是放之四海皆准的。那么,通过刚刚的分析,这道题的分类也自然而然出来了。可以按“有钱人vs.没钱人”这样的分类来写,也可以“发达国家vs.落后国家”的分类来写。
The advice that young people should try many different kinds of jobs or career before they decide the long-term career of their life does apply to some cases, for example, to people living in developed countries.
However, the advice seems untenable when it comes to people who are suffering hunger and poverty caused by war in some backward countries.
Undeniably, there is a valid part in the statement in question, especially when wealthy people are involved.
In spite of the validity of the statement in some cases, it is unwarranted for us to assume that it applies to all people, particular to people who are suffering from financial burdens.