
2022-05-29 11:38:47



  1. 建立金属围栏,防止海龟蛋被素食者吃掉

  2. 禁用塑料袋,海龟吃了塑料袋,消化道会被堵塞

  3. 把传统渔网改成只能捕鱼而不会限制海龟的,海龟被渔网捉住,会溺水


  1. 金属围栏会阻碍小海龟的磁场发育,海龟靠磁场导航,找食物,找配偶,找地方产卵。没有发育好的磁场,海龟根本无法生存,繁衍。

  2. 限制塑料袋或许有用。问题是,现在海里已经有成千上万的塑料袋了,即使分解成了小片,一样会危害海龟。所以限塑解决不了燃眉之急。

  3. 改进的渔网,渔民会拒绝使用,因为网到的鱼会减少,收入会减少。即使有法律规定必须使用,渔民也会趁没人使用传统渔网,回到岸上再换成改进渔网


  You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?


  1、Above all, a country’s leader must be honest. We have seen many examples of dishonest and corrupt politicians who have damaged their countries’ economies and reputations. To my mind, a dishonest leader is the worst kind of leader because he not only hurts his country, but destroys his people’s trust. Second, a leader must be broad-minded enough to be open to new ideas and to be able to put himself in other’s shoes. This is especially important when negotiating with other countries. Finally, a good leader must have genuine concern for his country and the well-being of its citizens. Only if he truly cares about the progress of his nation and his people can he lead them effectively.(这里偏重于政府领导人,考生可以以政府领导人举例来说明 honest的重要性)

  2、Honesty: Another characteristic of leadership that lends itself to credibility. Those who are honest, especially about concerns, make it far more likely that obstacles will be addressed rather than avoided. Honesty also allows for better assessment and growth.

  3、People want to follow an honest leader. Years ago, many employees started out by assuming that their leadership was honest simply because the authority of their position. With modern scandals, this is no longer true.  When you start a leadership position, you need to assume that people will think you are a little dishonest. In order to be seen as an honest individual, you will have to go out of your way to display honesty. People will not assume you are honest simply because you have never been caught lying.  One of the most frequent places where leaders miss an opportunity to display honesty is in handling mistakes. Much of a leader’s job is to try new things and refine the ideas that don’t work. However, many leaders want to avoid failure to the extent that they don’t admit when something did not work.

