1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to celebrate major events, it’s better to organize a big party with lots of people than to have a small party where only close friends and relatives are invited.
2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should spend most of their time studying or playing; they shouldn't be required to help the family with household chores, such as cleaning and washing.
3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made in their own country, even if they are more expensive than things made in other countries.
4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.
5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, it was easier to identify what type of career or job would lead to a secure and successful future.
6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It was easier to be a success in the past than it is today.
7.Do you agree or disagree with the following opinion? The most important goal of education is to help people educate themselves?
8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All high school students should take a course in basic economics.
1.Passage 讲述养鱼场作为世界上主要的提供鱼类食物的farm 对环境可能会造成严重影响:
professor 说事实上这些问题都有已经找到了解决办法:
【3】科学家已经在找到方法通过recycle water 使养虾时使用的被污染的清水可以使用,而且一种生物(会打出来)可以在盐水中生存
2.Passage: microcredit 不能解决贫困问题。
1)borrower 没有business skill,做生意很容易失败
2)小额贷款会increase 银行的administration cost,是inefficient 的。
3)如果政府把钱投入microcredit 里面,就不能投到其它方面了。
Lecture: 文章说得不对。
1)agencies 提供other services,比如教borrower 怎么记账,怎么利润最大化等等。
2)文章说的问题很好解决:银行可以把钱借给由4-5 个人组成的small groups,这样在相同的cost 下帮助了贫困的人。
3)由于提供小额贷款的都是agencies,政府其实在这方面save 了money,这样政府就能把钱投到小型贷款不能融资的大型工程,比如建一栋楼什么的。
3. Reading: 讲近几年北美的bats在冬天及早春季节的死亡率上升,给了3个原因:
1. fungus导致免疫系统下降。
2. 作为bats主要食物来源的moth 数量大幅减少。
3. 天气变热导致很多bats在冬天的时候没法冬眠,因食物缺少而死亡。
1. 只有一半的bats 死于fungus,而且认为是因为bats自身的免疫系统减弱,才导致fungus更容易对其产生危害。补充:真菌应该所有死蝙蝠都有白毛 ,另外免疫系统明确说是由于疾病减弱。
2. moth的数量减少的过程已经持续了大概几十年了 (准确提到1986年),但是bats的减少最近几年才发生,所以不可能是因为moth数量的减少导致bats死亡率上升。
3. bats主要冬眠地点为山洞最深处,而这些地方的气温并没有上升。
4.Reading:美国的Death Valley里300kg的大石头会动(moving stones),有人试着解释:
1. 风吹动的,因为存在关于山谷里有大风的纪录,且天下雨的时候,muddy变得很平,适合让风吹动石头。
2. 地下水晚上结冰,石头就能动了。
3. 人类恶搞的。比如麦田圈就是。
1. 没有风强到能吹到石头,并且给了张照片,石头陷在muddy里,按writer的理论,石头不应该陷下去的。
2. 是沙漠,水根本不够,且温度太高,就算晚上结冰,白天就化了,没法搬动石头。
3. 如果是人干的,那一定会留下痕迹,这种muddy里没有人能做到不留痕迹。而现场既没有人的痕迹,也没有马的痕迹。