(1)antitrust and anti-dumping laws
(2) enron, a prime beneficiary of the relaxed regulatory climate of the 1990s, finally dissolved into bankruptcy due to its accounting, tax and stock fraud. Enron took advantage of the most arcane accounting and legal technicalities to turn debt into equity, loans into cash flow and tax-deductions into earnings. The excesses of Enron have turned government regulators into reformers and render them to take actions to investigate and punish accounting violations. What is more , energy and securities regulators are engaing in reforms in accounting rules and relevant laws, which are expected to better satisfy the needs of investors.
, However, s Laws d should o also e have a a a a e relative stability.
(1)Within a country , a period of time , laws should stay relatively stable, which doesn't means fixed or stationary ,but keep a consistency in spirit of laws. Without such coherence, people will be confused and distrust laws and legal system.
(2)Ever-changing laws are so elusive that makes them hard to be respected and carryed out by lawman.
(1) democracy. 1787, the first Constitution was born, instead of being fixed, 1791 ten amendments were added to the Constituion to ensure human rights. Until now, there has been twenty-severn amendments, much more words than the initial Constitution.美国在1787年制定了《美利坚合众国宪法》,1791年就作出了史称 “ ,迄今为止 ,,超过正文三倍之多
(2) the blacks. During the Civial war, Lincoln enacted the laws that entitled the equal rights to the blackes with the whites.
Business world: 法律随着出现的经济问题而发展,不断完善,确保市场的稳定和繁荣。