
2022-05-29 11:58:33


  1.School and Education

  2.Economy and Business

  3.Family and Society

  4.Living and Thinking

  5.Culture and Leisure

  6.Health and environment

  7.Science and Technology

  1.School and Education

  1.作为团队工作 work as/ in a team

  2.在...的帮助下 with thehelp of

  3.穿校服 wear aschool uniform

  4.使用学校设备 use the school facilities/ equipment

  5.参加...的新生引导课程 take an orientation course

  6.与小组一起学习 study with a group

  7.出国留学 study abroad

  8.与某人分享观点 share a idea/ ideas with someone

  9.与某人同住一室 share a room with sb

  10.现实生活经验 real life experience

  11.优先考虑... put a priority on

  12.追求个人兴趣 pursue one’s individual interest

  13.提倡创造性思维 promote/ advocate creative thinking/ critical thinking

  14.预防校园暴力 prevent school violence

  15.参与课堂讨论 participate in a class discussion

  16.理清思路 organize one’s thoughts

  17.选修科目 optional subjects

  18.提供教育机会 offer/ provide an educational opportunity

  19.在...方面改变 make a change in...

  20.主修 major in

  2.Economy and Business

  1.面临巨大挑战 face significant challenges.

  2.加班 work overtime

  3.尊敬 respect. / receive enough respect. Act respectfully

  4.兼职 work part-time/ take part-time jobs

  5.敦促/极力主张某人.... urge/ advocate sb to sth

  6.了解市场原则 understand the market principle

  7.合格 meet the qualifications

  8.收支平衡 strike a balance of payments/

  9.递交简历 submit one’s resume

  10.开始一项业务 start a business

  11.平均分摊费用 split the cost

  12.找...领域的工作 seek a career in

  13.将企业盈利回报给社会 return corporate profits to society

  14.退休 retire from a job

  15.提高...声望 raise the prestige/ reputation of

  16.缴税 pay taxes

  17.偿还贷款 pay back a loan

  18.克服经济衰退 overcome an economic recession crisis

  19.获得最底层职位 obtain an entry-level position

  20.将生产费降到最低 minimize the cost/expense of production

  3.Family and Society

  1.拜访邻居 visit one’s neighborhood

  2.使用公共交通工具 use public transportation

  3.没有做... without doing

  4.把某人看作... treat someone as, treat them as competitor

  5.青少年犯罪 teenager delinquencies/ juvenile delinquency

  6.养家 support a family, feed one’s family

  7.对...表示尊敬 show respect to

  8.展现领导才能 show leadership skills

  9.解决问题 solve problems

  10.使某人想起某事 remind sb of something

  11.信仰某种宗教 believe in a particular religion

  12.宣誓对...效忠 pledge loyalty to

  13.将某人的价值观传递给... pass on one’s values to...

  14.参加社区活动 participate in community activities

  15.做出重要决定 make an important decision

  16.对...做出贡献 make a contribution to

  17.住在郊区 live in suburban/ suburb areas

  18.跟上 keep up with

  19.记住某事 keep sth in mind

  20.照看、留心 keep an eye on

  4.Living and Thinking

  1.适应形式 adapt to a situation/ the environment

  2.认真考虑后 after careful thought/ consideration

  3.作为...的征兆 as a token of (economic crisis)

  4.承担责任 shoulder/ assume responsibility for...

  5.对...有益 be beneficial to...

  6.对...有信心 be confident in../ have confidence in...

  7.批判态度 critical thinking

  8.灵活的 flexible

  9.对...负责 be responsible for

  10.以不同的方式表现 behave in a different way

  11.改掉坏习惯 break/ get rid of a bad habit

  12.按常规做某事 do something as a routine

  13.承受磨难 endure hardships

  14.惹上麻烦 get into trouble/ stay out of trouble

  15.压力过大 be/ get stressed out/ too much stress

  16.疯狂购物 go on a shopping spree

  17.伤害友谊 harm a friendship

  18.锻炼 do exercises/ sports

  19.有常识 have common sense/ knowledge

  20.有幽默感 havea sense of humor/ accomplishment/ achievement/ fulfillment/belonging/ happiness/ honor

  5.Culture and Leisure

  1.出国旅游 travel abroad/ overseas tourism

  2.从日常事务中得到片刻休息 get a moment to rest from thedaily routine

  3.订阅报纸/杂志 subscribe to the newspaper/ magzine/ journal

  4.说与...不同的语言 speak another language

  5.表现创造力 perform creative power/ ability

  6.保全面子 save one’s face

  7.尊重文化差异 respect differences

  8.以...代替... substitute by...

  9.建议某人 suggest/ advise/ persuade

  10.充电 charge a battery

  11.演奏乐器 play an instrument

  12.以某人做榜样 take... as example/ model.

  13.创造历史 make history

  14.预定 book/ reserve/ make a reservation for...

  15.拍...电影 make films

  16.点燃篝火 light a bonfire

  17. guide the public opinion

  18.备有急救箱 first aid boxes/ emergency kit

  19.举办聚会 have a party

  20.有机会 have an opportunity to do...

  6.Health and environment

  1.密集的人口 dense population

  2.适应环境 adjust to the environment

  3.濒危动物 endangered species/ endangered animals

  4.对...过敏 be allergic to…

  5.有益于心理健康 good for mental health

  6.身体健康 physical fitness

  7.感染病毒 infect with the virus

  8. 缺少... lack of/ be short of

  9.汽车尾气 automobile/ vehicle exhaust

  10.照顾残疾人 care for the disables

  11.导致不正常的气候 lead to abnormal climate

  12.对环境造成破坏 damage to the environment

  13.染上...病 catch… disease/ get ill/ get infected by AIDS/ bacteria/virus

  14.从事医学研究 study on/ engage in medical research

  15.消耗能量 dissipate energy (dispend驱散-dispensable-indispensable)

  16.消耗自然资源 consume natural resources/ the consumption of …

  17.保护环境 protect the environment

  18.至于某人的疾病 as for someone’s disease

  19.严重的食物短缺 the serious shortage(excess) of food

  20.发展医疗技术 develop medical technology

  7.Science and Technology

  1.发展医学 medical development

  2.科技发达 developed/ advanced technology

  3.将文件附加到电子邮件中 attach files to e-mails

  4.....的关键 plays a key role in…

  5.在...重力的作用下 under gravity

  6.不能没有 cannot do without

  7.查收电子邮件 check e-mails

  8.电脑盲 the computer-illiterate

  9.对...进行研究 research on…

  10.开创新趋势 create a new trend

  11.创建网络社区 create/ set up an online community.

  12.阻拦垃圾邮件 block spam/ junk mails

  13.尖端科技 high-tech/ cutting-edge technology/ sophisticatedtechnology

  14. develop nuclear weapon

  15.发展计算机技术 develop computer technology

  16.亲自动手 do it yourself

  17.从...下载软件 download software from

  18.电子设备 electronic equipment

  19.提高生活质量 improve life quality

  20.探索外太空 explore outer space

