
2022-06-06 05:13:53



  没办法,人挫就得被鄙视。既然危险,我们为啥还要 appropriate funds for a growing number of nuclear projects 呢?原因很简单:COAL kills, especially in China. 煤tm的太操蛋了,尤其在中国。 Kill这个词用的很nb,想必大家之前都看过朋友圈疯转的一个图片,“Overthinking Kills”,用孔老夫子的话说:“I have spent whole days without eating, whole nights without sleeping, in order to think. It was useless – not like study.” 用现在的话说,别瞎琢磨了,干活儿吧。 所以我们发现Kill其实可以用来表达负面的影响,比如 Environmental degradation produces a huge negative influence on the physiological and mental well-being of the public. 也可以直接说,Environmental deterioration kills. 非常的简洁有力;

  那么煤炭到底有多KILL呢?Up to half a million people die prematurely each year as a result of the country’s infamously foul air. 每年50万人死于污浊的空气;相信很多同学在写空气质量差的时候都在用 poor air quality 或者 air pollution, 以后在写到相关话题的时候我们就可以用 infamously/notoriously foul air 来代替,瞬间丰富了我们的写作表达;另外,表示原因的短语也是非常值得我们总结的,因为因果推理必然是考生们最常用的一种展开方法,除了这句话中用到的 as a result of 之外,类似的表达还有:because of/as a consequence of/on the grounds of/thanks to/due to/owing to/by(in) virtue of 等等;

  为啥煤炭这么KILL还要用呢?这也是在是无奈之举;Coal, from which China gets roughly four-fifths of its electricity, is the main contributor to that deadly pollution. 我们80%的电都是来自煤,所以虽然它是严重污染的罪魁祸首(key culprit)我们还是得用它,就像曹操当年唯才是举,只要有才,哪怕德行不给力,一样得重用,比如好色早夭的郭奉孝以及贪财的许攸。 许攸后来死的也不能说冤,整天跟领导说“没有我,你不能有今天”,不死也没啥好日子,所以可以说:His self-conceit is the main contributor of his death.

  更糟糕的还在后面呢。我天朝的 booming economy 对于电的需求肯定会越来越大,而且人们在越来越有钱之后肯定不甘心粗茶淡饭的生活,所以生活用电也会增加,也就意味着我们将来对电能的需求会越来越大:the country’s power-generation may need to double by 2030 to keep pace with economic growth and more affluent lifestyles,在这种情况下,毫无疑问煤炭带来的影响也会随之增大:the damage from coal will get worse before it gets better. 这个问题咋解决呢?需求估计是很难减少的,那就只能想办法满足,煤炭不行,那就试试别的呗,把来源搞得相对多样化一点: Given that grim picture, it is understandable that the government wants to diversify its energy sources.

