
2022-05-20 14:15:35


  此图表表示的信息可先从总的趋势上分析, 得出世界范围内军费不断增长的结论. 然后分析四各单位的增长情况,其中应包括逐个分析与相互比较. 也可先分析四各单位的情况,然后再谈世界总趋势. 无论用何种方法, 关键是理出头绪,按一定的顺序进行.说明部分关于"包括美国"这一点需要判断. 根据常识,这里应该理解为北大西洋公约组织的军费开支包括美国的军费开支,同时也将美国作为一个实体单列. 本文可长可短,若写长文, 例证可多给,相互的比较可以细一点. 若时间紧, 则应先写总趋势, 然后进入主要关系的比较,这样文章可随时收尾.来源:www.examda.com

  This is a chart that shows the worldwide military expenditures from 1968 to 1977. It divides all the countries in the world into four blocks: the NATO countries including the United States, the Warsaw Pact countries, the United States as a single entity, and otherr countries as a whole group; and it shows the expenditures of the four blocks in parallel so that they can be compared with each other easily.

  One obvious point indicated by the chart is that the military expenditures of the four blocks increased sharply rrom 1968 to 1977: NATO from 113 billion of dollars to 162 billion, Warsaw Pact from 73 billion to 160, the U.S from 76 to 100, and the other countries as a group from 37 to 105. A calculation based on these figures shows that the total military expenditures increased by neaarly 60 percent in a decade.

  The increase of the four blocks, however, were not at the same rate. The military expenditure of NATO increased by approximately 40 percent; that of the Warsaw Pact countries was more than doubled; that of the U.S increased by 36 percent; abd that of the other countries increased three times. In terms of percentage , the increase of the other counties was the fastest. But in terms of actual dollars, it was the Warsaw Pact countries that increased their military expenditure the most--80 billion. Even so, the highest military expenditure in 1977 was still NATO's.  The last point that can be seen in the chart is the patterns of increase in the course of the decade. While the Warsaw Pact countries and the other counttries increased their military expenditure steadily every year, the NATO countries and the United States did not do the same in the first years of the decade. The United States kept its military expenditure at about the same level from 1968 to 1972, and then had a slight cut in 1974 before it increased its military expenditure quite sharply in 1976.

  The decade indicated in the chart was a decade o arms race. It can be clearly interpreted from the chart that the high military expenditure of the NATO's countries and the United States at the beginning of the decade stimulated the fast increases by the WArsaw Pact countries and some of the other countries. Then, when they fely that they were threatened by the sharp increase of the military expenditure of the Warsaw Pact and some of the other contries and the United States began to spend more in order to remain the stronger or the strongest.
