
2022-05-28 11:06:10


  Some people prefer to work for a largecompany. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Usespecific reasons and details to support your choice.



  There are all types of job opportunitiesfor people nowadays. Different people prefer to work for companies of differentsizes. As for myself, I prefer to work for a small company. It is true thatworking for a big company seems to others that I have a higher social status.However, working for a smaller one has some obvious advantages.


  First of all, working for a small companymeans that usually the employee is provided the chance to have a panorama ofthe whole company. That means I can learn how business is really done in acompany and how does the company run. Learning the process is critical to mebecause I’ll develop enthusiasm toward the company and the role I’m playing init. On the other hand, it is probable that workers in large companies cannotsee the overall picture of the company. For example, if I work for amulti-national enterprise and have a job as a sales person, I’d have a vagueidea about what lies beneath the company’s changes and policies. And thereforeI gradually lose enthusiasm in my work, which leads to the decline of workquality as well.


  Secondly, small companies often provideemployees with more chances to receive special training programs, or even enjoypromotions. Although small companies usually have fewer funds than their largecounterparts, they have far less employees accordingly. So there is still ahigher possibility to obtain the training program that suits me most. Also, thesame applies to promotion. Since the boss pays attention to mainly severalemployees, I can better demonstrate my skills and abilities, and hopefully geta promotion.


  Moreover, I enjoy the teamwork atmosphere,which can be found in small companies. If I work with someone with the samemotivation, it will benefit both of us and the company as well. According to mypersonal experience, small group discussions tend to generate fresh and creativeideas, which are essential in most types of businesses.


  To sum up, although large companies arealluring to many people, I prefer to work for smaller ones because of theatmosphere, the opportunity and the enthusiasm the work brings along.

