托福OG Test1综合写作真题解析

2022-05-31 03:37:47

  OG (Official Guide to the TOEFL Test) 是TOEFL考试的研发机构ETS编撰的实战备考指南,同时具有官方权威性和基础必备性。指南中包含三份完整的模拟试题以及上百种实用技巧,为考生提供综合性的一体化TOEFL考试参考,是提升考试技巧,帮助发挥最佳水平的有效工具。

  1. 阅读要点概括


  Altruism means one will sacrifice its interest for others even without return

  Key point 1:

  Humans’ sharing of food and donation of body organs can be regarded as altruism

  Key point 2:

  By sentinel guarding, meerkats will benefit others without gaining food

  Key point 3:

  After giving alarms, the guarding one cannot ensure its own survival

  2. 听力要点概括


  Re-examine, a recent study

  Key words 1:

  Before, stand guard, first, predator, most likely, escape, greater danger

  Key words 2:

  Alarm, draw, attention away from, increasing, chances of survival

  Key words 3:


  Donates a kidney, stranger, appreciation, approval, society, self-worth, valuable.



