OG (Official Guide to the TOEFL Test) 是TOEFL考试的研发机构ETS编撰的实战备考指南,同时具有官方权威性和基础必备性。指南中包含三份完整的模拟试题以及上百种实用技巧,为考生提供综合性的一体化TOEFL考试参考,是提升考试技巧,帮助发挥最佳水平的有效工具。
1. 阅读要点概括
The unstoppable invasion from ZM will lead to serious impact on native fish
Key point 1:
Owing to ships, ZM will quickly take over all the habitats in North America
Key point 2:
Universities can get better reputation, more donations and more applicants
Key point 3:
Public people can obtain more insightful and profound knowledge
2. 听力要点概括
Question, benefits
Key words 1:
Serious, entertain, educate, invited, conferences, difficulty, money, research
Key words 2:
Time, research, students, university business, TV studio, on campus
Key words 3:
Public, in-depth, title, substance, background, brief introduction, different, TV reporter