
2022-05-30 06:40:42

  TPO (TOEFL Practice Online) 是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专为参加

  1. 阅读要点概括

  Main point:

  Some critics doubts that the Chevalier’s memoir is not accurate

  Sub point 1:

  As the Chevalier needed to borrow money, he was not rich

  Sub point 2:

  The Chevalier's conversations with Voltaire were not accurately recorded in the memoir

  Sub point 3:

  The Chevalier was actually freed by his friends’ help rather than by escaping from a hole

  2. 听力要点概括

  Point 1: Loan; parties and gambling; convert assets into money; waiting for arrival

  Point 2: Each night immediately after, wrote down everything, many years; witnesses, consulted notes and journals

  Point 3: More powerful friends, none, bribe; government documents, soon after, ceiling, repaired




