托福OG Test3综合写作真题解析

2022-05-24 12:05:21

  OG (Official Guide to the TOEFL Test) 是TOEFL考试的研发机构ETS编撰的实战备考指南,同时具有官方权威性和基础必备性。指南中包含三份完整的模拟试题以及上百种实用技巧,为考生提供综合性的一体化TOEFL考试参考,是提升考试技巧,帮助发挥最佳水平的有效工具。

  1. 阅读要点概括


  There are doubts that the painting was done by R

  Key point 1:

  R would not ignore the inconsistence in that the woman wore what she could not afford

  Key point 2:

  R would know that the light and shadow did not fit well

  Key point 3:

  R would not employ wood panels that were glued together

  2. 听力要点概括


  Ways to control, not clear

  Key words 1:

  Enough knowledge, stop, empty out the freshwater, refill with ocean water, saltwater, kill

  Key words 2:

  Removed, original painting, simple, light-colored, light and shadow, illuminated, realistic

  Key words 3:

  Added, enlarged, extra wood pieces, valuable, single, another painting




