
2022-05-22 22:52:09


  What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

  Parents not only give us life, but also accompany us during the time we are growing up. We can choose the people to make friends with, to study with, even to work with, but we cannot choose our parents. Most children wish to have good parents, especially when they do not have; most parents wish to be good parents, especially when they are not sure whether they are. However, what are the qualities of a good parent? In my opinion, a good parent should firstly know how to love, and it will be better if he is patient and understanding.

  Most people consider it natural for parents to love their children, but not everyone knows how to love. A parent’s love may be the most unselfish, because they usually do not expect rewards. Too much love, however, is as harmful as too little. Some parents like to wrap their children with love, which only makes the children rebellious, because they need their own space and freedom. Some parents like to make decisions for their children, simply because they think they are doing so out of their love for them. Yet they have forgotten that children are not their possessions, that children have their own independent personalities and identities. Therefore, parents should firstly know how to love their children.

  In addition, a parent who is patient and understanding is most welcomed by children. Children and parents grow up in different social environments, so they may have different, even conflicting, opinions. Communication is the best way to bridge the gap between them. Most parents have realized the importance of communication, but some of them are not patient enough. They are too hasty to reach a conclusion or to make a decision, neglecting and even hurting the child’s feelings. There are also some parents who do not put themselves in the children’s shoes, because they are used to imposing their own ideas on children. The lack of understanding on the part of parents is often complained about by the children.

  There are also some other good qualities of a good parent, but the most important ones are to know how to love, to be patient and understanding. Maybe a parent with these qualities is not always good enough in the children’s eyes, but a parent without them is surely not a good one.


  一、 语言表达

  1. A parent’s love may be the most unselfish, because they usually do not expect rewards. 这句话在内容上写的很真实,写出了很多父母的心声。众所周知,父母的爱是最无私的,因为父母从不期许有回报。在现实生活中,很多人对你好都是有所目的有所求助的,这样的爱不是无私的,是有企图的。但是父母除外,他们只希望把最好的爱留给子女。作者在这里先赞扬了父母对孩子的无私的爱,之后笔锋一转,作者谈到,凡事都有个度,不然物极必反,Too much love, however, is as harmful as too little. 有时父母给的爱太多,变成溺爱,这样的行为必然会导致教育的失败,结局可能跟没有爱一样糟糕。作者在这里用了一个表达很值得借鉴,Too much… is as harmful as too little. 从侧面暗示我们,凡事走极端结果都不会太好。作者传递给读者的寓意从深到浅,意思从小到大,可为妙哉!

  2. Some parents like to wrap their children with love, which only makes the children rebellious, because they need their own space and freedom.本句是个长难句,其中添加了定语从句,原因状语从句,其中which only makes the children rebellious是个非限制性定语从句,引导词which指代的是逗号之前的一句话。主句中wrap为包裹的意思,作者这里形容父母用爱把孩子紧紧包住,不给他们空间,形容的非常生动,把love具体化,物质化,而使得wrap抽象化。

  3. Yet they have forgotten that children are not their possessions, that children have their own independent personalities and identities. 这句话是一个谓语动词forget引出的两个并列宾语从句,之所以不省略第二个that,放在一个宾语从句中叙述,是作者想强调后者的重要性,所以要分别提出两个父母忘记的非常重要的原则,即that children are not their possessions, that children have their own independent personalities and identities. 值得一提的是,作者把children比作possessions这里非常形象,因为只有我们平时的所有物我们才会紧紧的包住wrap并携带。

  4. They are too hasty to reach a conclusion or to make a decision, neglecting and even hurting the child’s feelings.这句话重点强调后面的现在分词作状语表结果。这句话的另一种表达方式是They are too hasty to reach a conclusion or to make a decision so that they neglect and even hurt the child’s feelings.


  本文逻辑结构清晰,一共分为四大段来论证作者的观点。出去首段和尾端,中间正文部分均为正面描写。最后一段补充说明还有其他情况。首先第一段作者给出一个整体的概述,即好的父母标准是how to love并且要理解孩子还有有耐心,这一段的引领全文的句子是In my opinion, a good parent should firstly know how to love, and it will be better if he is patient and understanding。接下进入正文段落,首先第二段具体陈述了how to love的重要性,并且给出日常生活中各种父母不懂如何去爱孩子的典型错误方式。第三段作者提出了作为称职的父母还要有耐心要理解孩子的心理,同时,本段也给出生活中的各种典型例子。最后一段作者给出补充,说明一些好的品质当然不止上文所提的情况,但是以上提出的quality都是最重要的。本文客观公正,让身为父母人读过后会有所反思。

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