It is importantthat towns and cities are attractive so money should spend on works of art (likepaintings and statues) in public places. To what extent do you agree ordisagree? 政府是否应投资艺术来提升城市吸引力?
把钱花在艺术作品上是有一定的合理性的,它对于加强人文素养、提升一个地区展品的层次是非常有益的。Spending money on works of art in public places has its ownrationality, which is conducive to adding a humanistic flavor and improving thedisplay of a region.
1) 城市丰富的教育资源和工作机会是大部分人涌向城市的原因。提升城市的魅力也可以通过增加就业机会和学习机会的方式来实现。The affluent educational resources and job opportunities in townsare what drive most people from other regions. To invest in increasingemployment and learning opportunities is another way to gain charm.
2) 把资金投入改善住房条件也能提升城市的吸引力。Injecting funds in improving housing conditions can pull upthe glamour index of metropolises and towns.
有助于 be conducive to something
人文素养humanistic flavor
丰富的教育资源 the affluent educational resources
就业机会job opportunities
魅力指数glamour index