
2022-06-03 04:54:20


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  In most cases, one should never judge a person by external appearances. Sometimes when I walk down the street at night, I avoid people who are acting tough and loud, but in general, I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone. Judging someone by external appearance can be deceptive. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person, which reinforces stereotypes. This judgmental way of viewing others is both superficial and limiting.

  In high school, I stayed away from students who were called the "bad students" because they dressed a certain way. I wanted nothing to do with them. I later had the chance to meet one of these "bad students" through our mothers. We started talking and I realized that we had a lot in common. My impression of him was very different once I got to know him.

  If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes, you risk never getting to know someone who is different from your expectations. You may be missing out on an opportunity to make a good friend. In addition, you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance. If you take the time to get to know the person, you might become friends. Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you don't know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is. Perhaps the person comes from a less fortunate family than you and cannot afford the kind of stylish clothes your friends wear. However, that does not mean the person is less intelligent or interesting than you are.

  People should not be naive about new people they meet, but should take time to get to know them. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. Judging someone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend.


  2. 语言表达


  1. 本文让我们学习的以一个地方是它多变的句式,同样的话可以用主动,被动,复合句等不同方法写出,使考官在长篇的论证前眼前一亮。


  Judging someone by external appearance can

  one should never judge a person by

  Judgments based on external appearances

  2. 本文的另一个特点就是同一个单词不同用词性表达出来,这样的语言富于变化,给文章增色很多。 以judge一次为例,文中出现过动词judge,现在分词做主语judging,名词形式judgment, 形容词judgmental。当然还可以通过被动语态学出过去分词形式judged,例如: A person can not be judged by his appearance.

  3. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person, which reinforces stereotypes.

  此句中,based on.... 过去分词做定语修饰judgment,一些起修饰作用的定语从句就可以缩略成分词做定语的格式,这样文章会更加简练。Prevent somebody from sth是固定搭配,表示阻止某人做某事。

  4. In addition, you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance.

  这句话出现在论证部分的第二段,用来引入作者的从另一方面的分析。in addition是一个连词短语,表示“此外,其次”,相同意思的还有additionally,furthermore,moreover, besides, also, what’s more。 在托福考试中,考官非常看重连词的使用,因为这些词往往可以文章的结构和层次更加清晰,是论证更加有逻辑性。



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