
2022-05-29 03:50:08


  Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risk or chance. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. If dauntless explorers and ingenious scientists did not live by this motto, where would we be today? I think that we must all take chances, but these must be calculated chances, risks which are not lightly considered. Like the great thinkers of our time and times before ours, we must plan carefully, seize opportunity, and constantly improve our plans.

  There is no such thing as a chance. Coincidence is a farce which conceals elaborate planning. In his search for the Indies, Columbus drew maps, plotted his route, and set out.

  Even with a careful plan, changes occur. We must be ready to embrace and accommodate these changes. Columbus was looking for the Indies, but wound up in the Caribbean. Lewis and Clark were looking for a river passage to America’s west coast, but discovered much more. We must be ready to take advantage of new things as they appear.

  When contingent factors disrupt our plans, we must be ready to change direction and find new inspiration to achieve success in our circumstances. Columbus didn’t bring back spices from the East Indies, but e brought back gold and much more from the West Indies in the Caribbean.

  There is no success without chance, no glory without risk. But before you start, you must plan carefully so that you can take advantage of every opportunity to turn mistakes into advantages.


  一、 语言表达


  1. If dauntless explorers and ingenious scientists did not live by this motto, where would we be today? 从整体上来看,这句话是个虚拟语气,而且主句还是个反问句,句子结构形式上非常新颖,别出心裁。这句话写出来实际是想来强调第一句话非常重要的地位的。这里形容那些有才的科学家是用两个较为高级的词汇dauntless和ingenious,daunt是胆怯的意思,加上否定后缀就是大胆的了,相当于fearless,只有大胆的人才会勇于冒险,两个正面特征的词汇强调了擅于抓住机遇和勇于挑战的正面赞扬态度。

  2. I think that we must all take chances, but these must be calculated chances, risks which are not lightly considered. 这句话表面看上去没有什么新意,但是其美妙之处需细细品味,比如最精彩的地方是两个对应calculated chances和not lightly considered都是一个意思,即计划和冒险都要仔细斟酌,不可轻率决定。另外,这句话有个强烈的语气must,可见其重要性,在之后的正文中,作者一直在说carefully做事是多么重要。

  3. Coincidence is a farce which conceals elaborate planning. 这里面有个生僻词farce是闹剧的意思,虽然是闹剧,但也毕竟是一场有头有尾有条理的一场戏,所以后面加了个定语从句which conceals elaborate planning。

  二、 逻辑结构

  本文逻辑结构清晰明了,一共分为五个段落来论述,其中文章的首段作者就提出了很别样的观点,即没有冒险就不会有收获,但同时作者也提到了非常重要的一点就是所有的计划必须要carefully planned。第二段,作者继续第一段提到的一个重要idea即carefully planned的机会,然后展开了详细论述,还举了个家喻户晓哥伦布发现新大陆的例子。之后的第三段也在继续说明这个例子。最后一段进行了总结,即虽然机遇很重要,但是所有的机遇都是给有准备的人的。

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