Task 1
Reading:罗马成为大帝国的原因(1) Strong army.拥有强大的军队,尽管本身人口少,但是占领别人国土后,鼓励外国人加入军队;(2) unchallenged power of Emperor.君王有很大的权利power, 别人对他的决定不得有争议;(3) 施行高税收high tax增加经济实力,使其更wealthy,
Listening:正是这三个原因也导致了罗马帝国的灭亡(1) 士兵中大部分都不是本国人,有的还和敌人是同族,他们并不忠诚,甚至want to build their own army;(2) 统治者做了很多错误的决定,可是没人能反驳,比如为了自己的私欲建造很多的palaces;(3) 对于high tax,农民大多承受不起,所以恨罗马,投向了敌人
Task 2(重复NA2010.8.28)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People care more about public recognition than about money, so even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder