2、原始分数0-5分,综合两位老师评分平均2.5-3.5 fair 4-5 good,同理独立平均给等级。
Converting Rubric Scores to Scaled Scores
Writing Section of the New TOEFL IBT TEST
writing rubric mean scaled score
5.00 - 30
4.75 - 29
4.50 - 28
4.25 - 27
4.00 - 25
3.75 - 24
3.50 - 22
3.25 - 21
3.00 - 20
2.75 - 18
2.50 - 17
2.25 - 15
2.00 - 14
1.75 - 12
1.50 - 11
1.25 - 10
1.00 - 8