Coherently and accurately presents the information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading.
1) 直接反驳
R:Critics thus argue that if the Chevalier had really been very rich, he would not have needed to borrow money.
L:First, the loan from the merchant. Well, that doesn’t mean that Chevalier was poor.
阅读中说Chevalier不是那么有钱,如果非常有钱就不必要再跟别人借钱。但是随后的听力内容就直接反驳道,Chevalier其实还是很有钱的,实情是,他在瑞士有很多固定资产(real assets),他为了开派对和赌博通常要把这些资产转化为现钱,而这个过程通常需要一段时间,在这段时间他可能手头比较紧,于是先向某个商人借钱,但这并不代表他就没钱。
2) 解决措施
这种关系在TPO综合写作中也有出现,就是针对阅读部分所提出的问题,听力部分相对应的给出一定的解决措施,最明显的就是TPO6中关于在线百科全书(communal online encyclopedias)的网络安全问题。
R:the communal nature of these online encyclopedias gives unscrupulous users and vandals or hackers the opportunity to fabricate, delete, and corrupt information in the encyclopedia.
L:Online encyclopedias have recognized the importance of protecting their articles from malicious hackers. One strategy …., another strategy….
3) 另寻他因或另寻他果
这种关系就是说,阅读中针对某个问题给出了相应的原因或者结果,但是随后的听力内容提出,这样的原因或者结果不成立,并给出其他相应的原因或者结果。TPO10中关于海獭(sea otter)数量下降阅读和听力内容就是一个很好的例子。
R:Third, scientists believed that the pollution hypothesis could also explain the uneven pattern of otter decline
L:And third, the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orca predation theory than by the pollution theory.