植物的叶子在夜间闭合Plants fold leaves at night的三个理论。
第一个理论:有助于保温protection against losing heat。第二个理论:防止真菌感染protection against fungal spores infection,不让雨水进去。第三个理论:避免接收月光,以此跟随季节变化。eliminate the nighttime light:moon light,让它们track the seasons。
第一个理论:没有帮助。因为植物没有internal heat,在遇到冷的天气,尤其是冰点以下时不能避免冻害。
第二个理论:下雨时即便叶子闭合,也会有少量雨水进入,而真菌fungal spores只需要少量雨水即可,因此是没有意义的。
第三个理论:举了一个反例。在一些denser的森林中,有些植物即便在树荫下接收不到月光,也会闭合叶子,因此需要其它的解释some other reasons may explain 。
独立写作:It is not a good thing to move to a new town or country because you will lose contact with your old friends
In modern society, it is not uncommon for a people to move to new cities. Some people say that it is not good to move to a new city since we may lose our old friends. However, I do not agree.
Moving to a new city does not necessarily mean the loss of old friends. Modern technology provides us with many means of communication and transportation, which enable us to keep in touch with our old friends. For instance, we can keep in touch with friends by telephone, mail and even the internet. Even though we are in different cities, we can still keep in touch with our friends using Facebook or Twitter. It is quite convenient for long-distance friends to meet up because of the development of faster modes of transportation. Fast trains and airplanes reduce the travel time between most cities to just a few hours. Distance does not necessarily mean you cannot be close with your friends.
Second, the loss of some friends is not always a bad thing. Losing friends that can be regarded as fair-weather friends is not such a bad thing. Those kinds of friends are always there when our luck is good, but are never there to help when we are facing difficulties. For example, if we have a large property and usually hold parties, they will definitely be the first to appear. However, if we are on the brink of bankruptcy, they will not contact us anymore. The loss of friends with such flaws is also something worth celebrating. These kinds of friend might be violent, dishonest, and maybe even bully other good people. It is a good thing to get as far away as possible from these kinds of bad friends.
Even if the situation in a new place might not be ideal, it is not necessarily because of the loss of old friends. Other factors may lead to this result, such as a failure to adapt to the new climate, food and customs. For example, a person who had lived in Mediterranean and enjoyed many years of sunshine would be shocked if he moved to England, since even when it is summer there it rains continually and is bitterly cold. Also, a Chinese student in the United States would consider preserved eggs as a great delicacy, and not be able to understand why his American neighbors find them repulsive. Finally, a Frenchman moving to Moscow, for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same way, a Russian living in Paris might fail to see anything amusing in a joke that made a Frenchman laugh until he cried. All of these migrants might not feel very comfortable in their new environments; however, it has nothing to do with the loss of old friends.
In short, though moving to a new city or a new country may cause you to lose old friends, I do not believe that this fear should stop us from moving. (500 words by SunWei)