一是主动语态频繁使用:比较例句:a) Senator Dole planned to announce his resignation from the Senate.和例句:b) To announce his resignation from the Senate was planned by Senator Dole.
二是 选词精准:记者对所报道的题目一般都比较熟悉,因此能够选用恰当的词汇来表达有关内容,包括一些专业词汇。总体上新闻的用词都比较普通,某些反复用到的词出现率很高,, congress, senator, representative, scandal, vote, bill一类的词。偏爱短词是另一大特点,如accord / agreement;back / support;ban / prohibition;bar / prohibit, exclude;envoy / diplomat;drive / campaign, effort;poll / public opinion survey;tot / child,这样的例子屡见不鲜;
三是 肯定句概率很高:比较例句:a) He was not very often on time. 和例句:b) He usually came late.